[1.1.X] The 12 charges Frenzy Archer (MoM/EB) [Videos]
Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126) Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970) Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200) Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864) |
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Not sure if this was mentioned but why not pick up the conditioning node in the shadow tree.
Even the nodes leading up to this provide valuable bonuses and it's only 2 extra nodes if you drop the 6% life node you took Also not sure if this is viable if you pick up acrobatics, if mana provided by EB is calculated before acrobatics or not Is a fast attack speed weapon required? Or would this work: >>> IGN - TrolldAllDay Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore <<< Last edited by twapper#0511 on Aug 5, 2013, 12:40:49 AM
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" Conditioning node ? Do you mean Coordination. It only gives 3% attack speed and 20 dex. My attack speed, currently at 5.5, is so high that extra dmg gives me much fore extra dps than extra attack speed. So if I want to increase my dps, I'll pick up an extra 8% projectile dmg nod in the duelist area or an extra 12% physical dmg somewhere. " Acrobatic description says 50% less energy shield. So, I'm pretty sure it would reduce my mana from ES by half. Since I estimated that the mana I get from ES at 1673 mana, I would lose 836 mana and the corresponding mana regen. I'd need to give up many auras and Artic Armour. Also, to get the full bonus of Acrobatics (30% chance to dodge + 20% chance to dodge spell), I'd need to drop 6 passives somewhere else (most likely dps passives). In the end, my survability would probably be increased but my dps would suffer a lot. Someone else may want to try it. " Nice Bow ! Attack speed isn't required but the build provides 256% increased attack speed, so a 1.20 bow would get 4.3 attacks per second while a 1.55 bow gets 5.5. Would the extra damage on the bow compensate the reduced attack speed ? Good question. Maybe. Anyway, I couldn't afford it :p Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561) Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126) Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970) Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200) Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864) Last edited by Velkor#2803 on Aug 5, 2013, 4:53:23 PM
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" Conditioning is located 2 nodes below coordination Also what's your damage without frenzy charges up? >>> IGN - TrolldAllDay Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore <<< Last edited by twapper#0511 on Aug 5, 2013, 4:39:18 PM
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how this build? more evasion and 6 frensy + 5 power charge http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIBAF4EfgW1CC4M8g5IES8RlhXwGYYZjhnVGf4bASF2IuokPCSdJP0mlSepLR8wfDH6MgEzDDY9Nns51DpYPs9JO0lRTLNQMFFHUzVVS1YtWm1fKmHiYlpjQ20ZbWxte2_ycFJw1XJ-crt2931bfXV_K3_Ggh6HGYhrjDaNfY2_lciZmpsmm42btZ2joJ-hpKKjpcunNKdcp9Sqf6q4rH-v67IZtUi2973mwFHB88M6xKLKqctBz3rTftUA1orbC9te3BXfmOHb44TnVOd06NbrFOss62Pr5O2D8NnxdvLh-WP8q_4r_rr-yP_e IGN : ZMANYO or JMANYO
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" Ok, I see, the +10% life/+20 str passive. To get it, I'd need to give up 2x6% life nods and get a 10 dex passive. And given I don't need the str (other than for its life) or the accuracy, the choice is really the following : 2% evasion 10 life 10% life vs 12% life Or 2% evasion 10 life (*232% = 23.2 life) vs 2% life (*1187 life = 23.7 life) According to my calculations, with my current amount of life and +life %, I'd get almost the same amount of life from the 10 life (20 str) than from the 2 extra +life% from the double 6% nods. As an added bonus, I'd get an extra 2% evasion. So, conditionning seems to be a good choice. Thanks for pointing it out. And my dps is about 7500 without any frenzy or power charges. But usually, I get from 0 to 7 frenzy charges in about 1.5 second. For Power charges, its a little bit longer, 2-3 seconds maybe. Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561) Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126) Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970) Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200) Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864) Last edited by Velkor#2803 on Aug 5, 2013, 11:10:53 PM
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if max actict lvl ~ safe phy reflect?
i pure ev ~ sometimes die for phy reflect~ IGN : ZMANYO or JMANYO
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" Arctic Armour does protect against reflect. My plan for the next few level is to take 2 energy shield/evasion nods in the shadow area to increase my mana so I can run higher level artic armour. The evasion will also help against reflect. In the meantime, If I'm careful, I don't die from reflect and use the RoA totem to kill reflect mobs. Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126) Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970) Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200) Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864) |
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" Its hard to compare this build to mine. Yours require 117 point compare to 111 points for mine. Also, between 1 frenzy charge and 1 power charge, 1 frenzy charge is clearly superior. Each frenzy charges provides +23% attack speed, +12% increased physical dmg and +4% increased evasion. You also gain them faster. Also, to get the 5th power charge, you need to spend 4 extra passives points in intelligence nods. If I wanted more crit chance with 4 passives, I'd spend them directly in 20% and 15% crit chance nods (near the shadow starting area) for a total of +65% crit chance. Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126) Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970) Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200) Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864) |
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This is my current build
I run hatred, grace, purity, anger, wrath Instead of EB I picked up 4% mana leech on my gear and the 2% mind drinker, which keeps my mana constant enough to have constant fire Current - Level 68: Level 80: >>>
IGN - TrolldAllDay Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore <<< |
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