Season Five, BDC1: 1 Hour Descent Champions

Beta Member Since 0.9.0 | Current Character : ExExCorpse
Creator of Prismatic Rings AND Unique Thief's Torment Prismatic Ring
The Guide to Loot Filters - Here
Anyone got tips for this race?
The silent majority.
*facepalm* ignore my last post lol!
I had no clue brute had soul eater! I don't play nemesis, so I didn't expect to see those mods outside of that league, a warning would have been nice :D
I had single target dps last race that's why I didn't notice it, I just expected him to be normal brutus, time to look at affixes I guess.

Going yolo mode next time on brute and kill him before he kills me! one witchtank incoming!
pls make that league constant!!! this is best what poe has to offer to me, insane gameplay
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
pkboi309 wrote:
Where can I find Hatestorm and Avatar of the Tempest?

You face one or the other. Hatestorm is in The Glittering Cave.

Liquid_Blade wrote:
Are reward points bugged? I got to level 11 on one character (killed pagan/died at brutus) and level 6 on another and only got 2 points.

Same with the last race I did, I was meant to get 2 points and only got 1 instead.

Filling in the blanks, my guess is you deleted your level 11 before the end of the race. Ensure you let the race fully end (about 5 minutes after the ending race time) before deleting any characters if you want their points.

RainBabe42 wrote:
died at level 8 then started again got to level 9 do i get two points?

Yes. More if you killed Rukuku.

KoTao wrote:
Edit: I did notice that none of the chests contained blacksmiths whetstones. Not sure this is actually an issue, just thought id mention in case this was an oversight since every other useful orb was (often repeatedly) available, and whetstones were common in original descent chests.

Given that there are no Armorer's Scraps either, it's probably intentional.

zheavy wrote:
I had no clue brute had soul eater! I don't play nemesis, so I didn't expect to see those mods outside of that league, a warning would have been nice :D
I had single target dps last race that's why I didn't notice it, I just expected him to be normal brutus, time to look at affixes I guess.

It doesn't show up as an affix. And we did get warning that the bosses had different abilities than we're used to, in the Descent: Champions Information post. "You'll encounter powerful bosses that use different skills and effects than their regular counterparts do."

Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Last edited by unsane#5479 on Nov 23, 2013, 2:14:39 AM
Raycheetah wrote:
It'll be in your HC stash. =^[.]^=

onorarono wrote:
Try checking the HC leagues.

It shows up in all leagues now.

When race prizes are awarded in Race Season Five onwards, the remove-only stash tab they go to can be accessed from any non-event league. You cannot access it in the first two weeks of a ladder. This means that your race prizes can be removed from the tab in Domination or Nemesis (but can't be put back in). When the next four month leagues start, the prizes will not be available in the first two weeks (to keep the early race fair).

HowCouldThisHappenToMee (Hardcore Talisman)

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