Dec 24: One-week HC Race


Elem hit and Spark+Fork getting fixed ?

Fucking impressive show guys. While I was against it previously I'd like to see a completely solo week race.

Also Kripp was a great addition as he brought more competition to these races. Usually it's first to 79 then take the rest of the race off. I don't think I've ever seen a race where someone got to 79 and was 12th.

Races are going to be really tough in OB.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 -
Summon Skeleton 1.3 -
Chris wrote:
Prizes have been awarded! They're on new characters on your account as usual. I've added microtransaction credit to the top 20 as well.

Good work, guys! We got some great balance data and plenty more information to help us solve sync and similar issues.

Glad to hear it Chris, best of luck in the coming month for you and the rest of the development team!
BloodyJoker wrote:
Marftrus wrote:

not much time to play :(
but isnt this wand crazy?

WHoa dude, did you have like 200k dps with that? I'd wanna trade it man, what you want bro? All my inventory for that wand, it's so good!

Thats a amazing wand in a 1 week race are you retarded? I bet you dont have anything that comes close to this
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vajura wrote:
BloodyJoker wrote:
Marftrus wrote:

not much time to play :(
but isnt this wand crazy?

WHoa dude, did you have like 200k dps with that? I'd wanna trade it man, what you want bro? All my inventory for that wand, it's so good!

Thats a amazing wand in a 1 week race are you retarded? I bet you dont have anything that comes close to this
seriously that wand is sick
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Grats to all the winners!

Just some points.

1. Try to link your gear in a spoiler window, it makes it easier for everyone in the forum.

2. Drama aside, until we see proof all this account sharing hoopla is idiocy.

3. Dime was (unless I'm mistaken and I don't think so) the most experienced player in Krips group and he hadn't really done maps before. I think Krips team was sorely lacking an experienced map player from previous events and that showed in some of their map creation\selection from the small time I Watched Dimes and Krips stream. For instance if any team had a "Kotao like level" of map experience that many of us with multiple demis in the week races have, I think that might have guaranteed a first. You only learn by doing however.

4. To the Krip Haters: Hes one of the best things for PoE in general. Personally I hate how the community is when Kungen\Krip are around when both of them has snowballs chance in hell to win a short term race against the more experienced racers, but that's life. The good far outweighs the bad.

5. To all the Krip Lovahs: You got to remember that while Krip is a very good player, and so are some of the people he played this iteration with, but there is always someone better, or who is just as good but has played only PoE for over year.

6. Far be it from me to try to lend order to the chaos since on notable occasions I have contributed to it, but at least try to post something constructive somewhere for this game and its health and growth. It might not be on this thread and that is fine, but every bug report and every opinion on some wonky talent for GGG only makes the game better in the end.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
BloodyJoker wrote:
Marftrus wrote:

not much time to play :(
but isnt this wand crazy?

WHoa dude, did you have like 200k dps with that? I'd wanna trade it man, what you want bro? All my inventory for that wand, it's so good!

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IMDisappoint wrote:
Hilbert wrote:

I remember that during the 1 month ladder race only Minyun, a party of 6 around independant(with 1 rip and several almost rips), Prozon and me fought and killed Maze Vaal.

I was the first to enter Maze in the one month race and killed the Oversoul then as well.

I was in two separate parties of six that killed Vaal twice in that ladder, neither of which had Independent. Minyun, nullsFaith, FittaMF, MLO_KimboSlice, ZELEK, Spacke, and I think Technique was there as well on one of them. ZELEK was the only one that died there after he got three rocks in a row.
IGN: Truncator
Very nice work everyone. I noticed this race was very competitive and it's too bad, Panda and others weren't in it. But perhaps that's for the better.
My Keystone Ideas:
I just want to congratulate everyone that participated in the race. Big props to Dominion, Lightspire and Kindlyman. Another shoutout goes to Kripp's team. Love to see people enjoying themselves on something that they really feel passionate about. Through all the drama and the pressure of the race, I am sure that everyone had alot of fun. I predicted that the highest lvls would be lvl 80 and you guys pushed it even further to lvl 82. You guys are insane! Sadly I could not participate in this race but I followed the progress from the start to finish.

Great job everyone and big thanks to GGG in holding this event. Brought me much entertainment over the holidays.

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