[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2

I was planning to buy Meginord yesterday but I'm still confused whether to buy Meginord first or Abyssus first, I don't have enough reduction to mitigate Abyssus' downside effect. And for the amulet, I'm still searching for the right amulet with good physical damage
Last edited by wiwing#4514 on Dec 24, 2013, 6:51:11 AM
I'd suggest to take the meginord first ;)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
okay I've bought a nice physical damage amulet and meginord, and this is my current gear


and the damage boost is awesome, now my DPS is 3.3K without auras and 4.4K with auras
Have you considered a scion?

I personally go cyclone build, which requires that I move into master of the arena and sacrifice the witch side aura nodes, but this build lets you wear carcass jack or any high evasion wear, and I think just gives higher stats around the board than the build you currently have. Correct me if I'm wrong, i'm still a newbie at theory crafting :)

I'm going for a tempest shield-curse on hit-warlords mark-vulnerability slot, so that I get that beautiful mana leech and extra health leech to replace the 2% lost from mind drinker along with 30% MORE damage from vulnerability. If you prefer, you can drop inner force and tempest shield and get mind drinker, then pick up the shield block nodes next to scion, but inner force and vulnerability gives a huge boosts to this build.

I get, in addition to what you currently have:

Iron reflexes
Inner Force
An additional +40% to evasion, which is then added to armour.
+60 dex
10% increased damage
Warlord's Mark
Easy access to ES nodes for higher levels.
Can use carcass jack or any evasion+es armor.
8% reduced aura cost.

Lose: Mana due to tempest shield (about 10% with this build), 3% if you drop warlord's mark and add a mana reduce gem.
16% reduced mana
6% energy shield (possibly offset by inner force) and an additional 10% due to intelligence. Since you need less dex, maybe get more int on items?
-16% effectiveness on auras.

P.S. thanks a bunch, you helped me seriously optimize my build by following some of your short paths that I hadn't noticed. Let me know if you see any changes you'd make to the build.
Last edited by felidaeus#0221 on Dec 24, 2013, 5:37:18 PM
Well felidaeus
With tyour tree you actualy loose alot more thing than the ones that you've listed:

-You'll have alot less ES due to the fact that you'll use Carcass Jack, and the fact that you'll have alot less aura effectivness!
- You have a terrible block chance and so far block is the best defensive mechanic in PoE
- the armour values would actualy be pretty much the same, beacuse you have no armour nodes.
- you can't use 2 curses at the same time so it's Vulnerability OR warlord's mark
- another problem is the colours of the carcass jack because it is ES/EV ... good luck geting enough Red sockets .. and that would lead to alot less DPS
- personaly i just can't stand cyclone .. terrible AoE, lower DPS and clearing speed, terrible mana cost... but i guess that's just me :)

In the end if you are fine with your build and have tons of fun with.. well... that's all that matters :)
I wish you good luck :)

If there's anything that i can help you with just ask i'll be happy to answer ;)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 25, 2013, 6:54:46 AM
Won't I have the same block chance? Since I get +5% from tempest shield?

A good point on carcass jack, I guess I can switch to a higher ES armor.

Thanks for the other advice.

I forgot about the curses :p rats.
Last edited by felidaeus#0221 on Dec 25, 2013, 1:35:00 PM
about the block ....i must have been looking at the wrong tree ... no idea what happened :D...
anyway tempest gives 4% and you'll have 74% which is enough
Anyway don't neglect the colors of the sockets on the chest ... really only a AR/ES can give you the desired coloring
And because of all that and the fact that you pretty much can't have Evasion on your gear or run Grace ... Iron Reflex becomes obsolite... you should try it out if yo want to of course :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 25, 2013, 1:44:40 PM
Korgoth, I´m following your superb duelist facebreaker build, but suddenly I read on that thread you saying that this witch version would be stronger :(
Can you tell me why is it stronger? Because of the melee damage on full life? Because it takes no dps nodes at all... Or is it because of aegis aurora procc only? My duelist is already 74, but I´ll change if its a big difference in power.
one sec i'll find and quote my answer to your question in a minute ( it's somewhere in this thread ) :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
For some reason it double posted my previous post... anyway... can't find the answer to your question ( maybe it's in the Duelist thread ) so i'll just answer you right now :)

The pros. of the Witch build:
+ higher ES pool compared to the Life pool of the duelist version ( or any life based build in genreal )
+ Vaal Pact + alot of life steal due to blood rage - this helps alot when it comes to survivability
+ Aegis Aurora
+ The fact that you have 50:50 physical:fire damage ( and the cold damage from hatred ofc.. but it's the same for both builds) due to no Added fire damage. This is helpful in many ways - leech; good vs ele reflect; good vs fire res monsters
+ Very easy to manage your mana due to high mana pool + more maan regen + mind drinker mana leech node ( you don't have to worry about getting mana leech on your gear )

The pros. of the Duelsit build:
+ very easy to level up and more powerful until level 62 compared to the witch version
+ alot cheaper compared to the witch version
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 25, 2013, 2:55:19 PM

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