[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2
I really don't know anything about farming ... all i've ever done is to level up my many characters and try many different builds... orb by orb and my currency pool just got bigger an bigger ... bought some items then sold them monts ago for alot more.. sold some high level maps ... never used IIR/IIQ gear/gems ... so really for me gaining currency ... just... happens.. not that im very rich. At the moment i have around 20 exalts in currency, well alot more in items but they are all self-found or bought long time ago when 1 exalt was a really big deal.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 17, 2013, 11:35:19 AM
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To help the cash-starved people like myself: my witch is 78, and I've been making do with a Rathpith and a 5L chest (see Korgoth, I did get a better one! Bought a white 5L and crafted it):
As you can see my gems aren't 20/20 either, and I'm sitting at about 20k dps with frenzy charges (I do have legacy Facebreakers) and 4k ES (my jewelry helps with that). There is no content I haven't been able to do up until 70 maps (I haven't tried anything above that). You do have to watch out for a few bosses and rares - basically everything that does a lot of physical damage, rare skeletal beasts or elementals with powerful crits, etc. But all that means is that instead of standing there to facetank them, I pop a granite and kill them with hit and run. It really does work :) Last edited by Faldrath#4030 on Dec 17, 2013, 11:41:10 AM
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Loving the build Korgoth! Taking it slow and over the last couple days got my witch to 34 sitting at 2.3K DPS capped resists and being in nemesis having taken all the life along the way so a relatively decent 1150 hp 100 es or so. Had a GREAT time getting my facebreakers to BBRR for my first Cast when Damage taken lol. Ugg!
Curious, why do most people seem to prefer Temp chains over enfeeble? Doesn't enfeeble work out to more damage reduction with the accuracy/crit/crit damage reductions along with the flat damage reduction? Anyhow, love this witch :D thank you sir! Too bad to hear you don't play so much these days, maybe you'll be back at a later time :D IGN - Dapper_The_Strapper
"Stripper with a strap-on" |
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Well with your stats i would say that you'll do fine in pretty much all maps up to level 75. Maps that might be a problem for you are : Colonnade(it is still doable just be careful and use granit flasks), Labyrinth(again - doable just use flasks), Residence( i'd suggest that you skip that map for now) and Maze but in maze you can always dodge the dangerous attack of the Oversoul ( we all know which attack im talking about) @Teflondon1975 Well Temporal chains helps when it comes to dodge the leathal boss attacks ( Map Dominus, Map Oversoul ) and i have problems only there... and i don't know how to explain it but it just "feels" better to use it over enfeeble ( atleast for me ), another good thing is that it appears that it helps vs desync. About me comming back ... well i really can't stick to one build and i pretty much tried all that there is to try... i have a cool idea of a new build got a full respec on a low level character ( level 62 ) so i put on some crappy gear and low/no level gems to test it... it looks promising but with the economy today the gear that i need to really make it viable( or even test it properly) costs way more than i currently have.. and i don't want to sell my stuff( i sold all my facebreaker(my first character in open beta was a facebreaker) gear once... a week later i bought everything again and lost some currency in the process).. i just can't let go of the gear of a working character because i know that i'll deeply regret it So basicly i'll be back when a new interesting build/unique/support comes out(or when i have the nerves to grind endlessly for currency/gear and finish my current idea) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 17, 2013, 12:17:41 PM
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@Silvist - There's a option called Buyout Only if you are looking on poe.xyz ofc. It's a very good option if u want to check average price for something. There's also option for Online Only to PM straight away and ask the price :).
P.S Price's that are on BuyOut aren't always exactly right or the best, you just take average and think for yourself. You can PM people who are Online and don't have buyout and offer something affordable for you. And buyout doesn't mean u can't bargain. You just PM and discuss/talk, trading is that easy really. |
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Oh and a word from me regarding trading based on personal observation from my year and a half experience in Path of Exile.
Every piece of equipment that you buy today will be worth more tommorow! Example : Bringer of Rain was around 2 exalts for a month after it was introduced in the game ( i used to have one for 2 exalts) and now... well you know how much it is now... "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 17, 2013, 12:46:08 PM
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Would you recomend this ammy for this build? guys is asking 2 exalt
Amulet : 20% increased Rarity of Items found -------- Adds 8-18 Physical Damage Adds 13-26 Cold Damage +72 to Accuracy Rating 10% increased maximum Energy Shield +8% to all Elemental Resistances |
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Well the cold damage and accuracy is totaly worthless for this build ( as for the fact that it is a gold amulet imo ); the physical damage is medicore, the energy shield - medicore( note that flat ES > % ES when it comes to gear ); the all res - medicore... it has 1 more spot for a mod which is good
it's not bad but is it 2 ex good? Can't tell you for sure ... but i wouldn't give more than an exalt "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 17, 2013, 2:46:09 PM
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Alright one last item to make sure it is good for build because i just bought for about 5 exalts and am thinking about dumping 200 fusing into it for 6link
Rarity: Rare Rapture Shroud Elegant Ringmail -------- Quality: +20% (augmented) Armour: 771 (augmented) Energy Shield: 619 (augmented) -------- Requirements: Level: 64 (unmet) Str: 90 Int: 105 -------- Sockets: B-B-R-R-R R -------- Itemlevel: 74 -------- +18 to Strength +9 to Intelligence 139% increased Armour and Energy Shield +122 to maximum Energy Shield +37% to Fire Resistance 11% increased Block and Stun Recovery |
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Need fast help should i buy this armor for 9 exalts or should i keep the one listed above???
Rarity: Rare Miracle Pelt Elegant Ringmail -------- Quality: +20% (augmented) Armour: 823 (augmented) Energy Shield: 359 (augmented) -------- Requirements: Level: 64 (unmet) Str: 90 Int: 105 -------- Sockets: G-R-B-B-R-G -------- Itemlevel: 69 -------- +21 to Strength +114 to Armour 79% increased Armour and Energy Shield +73 to maximum Energy Shield +28% to Cold Resistance |
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