[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2
" Ok that makes sense now. Guess I'll have to try this build later then, totally missed the part where you said this shouldn't be a first char. Thanks for clarifying. |
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@aresina Well what can i say... the two-handedflicker strike build is ... moe fun.. with good gear it clears maps faster simply because you move faster between monster packs. On the other hand the CIFB is tankier ( by alot! ) and it generaly has more damage. If you want a really powerful Flicker striker you could try an ES dagger crit flicker striker .. but in order to really make it work properly you need a godly dagger ( 100+ exalts )[/quote] KorgothBG, thank you for your kind attention and my questions. I noticed that another issue of two-handed flicker build is that its not good for grouping, right? I will try your two-handed flicker build, not the dagger one, the only issue is I dont want to expense more ex for it, just PFF. Thank you. |
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Well yea its hard to play in party with Flicker Striker... you just can't kill fast enough or deal the killing blow to get the frenzy charges that you need
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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" Good Idea actualy. But I don't play hardcore modes at all so no charas and no currency there. BUT i have charas in Domination so I could try to get some stuff there, wait until this league ends and take the items to standard league. However, I would be happy just to level the normal zones with that Facebreaker build, I never run that much maps, only low level maybe. Mobs like Kole are skipped usualy, at least with my Marauder. For the facebreaker build I guess I can start with this Shield: |
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@Fusion_Power: Yeah, I used Perandus until level 68 when I switched to the Rathpith, so you should be fine. Only thing is that it made me switch to CI only at level 68, and not 62, as the guide suggests (I had also crafted a 5L arm/ES chestpiece by then).
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I can't find the aegis shield at all. It seems to be rare and expensive?
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So I currently try this build, justwent level 59 with it.
What's definitely true is that it deals absolutely insane damage as long as several enemies are nearby. Against the story bosses it does not fare so well though I had no real problems with them except for Dominus Cruel whom I had to slay in a group. Negatively I noticed you run into serious survability issues until you get your hands on ES-intensive shield, body armor and helmet. These also MUST feature armor or ES will break too easily. I'd say it's not really a newbie-friendly build but with a bit of care you can solo practically everything faster than with most other builds I know. Once thing that currently bothers me is burst damage. Enemies like that unique spider in Halls of Pain or the mid-act-boss spidery lightning striker guarding the Bane Gem are really tough because they can basically cut through your ES in a single strike. And since your lifeleech doesnt work on life.... I had real trouble finding suitable body armor, helmet and shield. Without enough ES it's suicide going CI, as a matter of fact I did not get it yet because some strikes can simply destroy my energy shield. I don't think it is possible to get any decent armor % with this build, at least without buying very very expensive stuff (like shavrons). And without decent armor you can't go CI :< Any ideas? Otherwise the build is real fun and damage output is very nice. But the defense bothers me.. |
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Well about the gear i've repetedly said that this build is not newbie friendly and it is gear dependant... it's imposible to make it work without the needed gear.
About the Shav not just that you don't need shav but you CAN'T and SHOULD NOT use one... basicly you can't get the nedded colors on a full ES chest ( again mentioned and explained many many times before :) ) About going CI .. as i've already said ( again a couple of times ) the items that makes it possible are Aegis Aurora + Rainbow Strides! @moon_nmh yes the shield is rare and expensive ... again already stated that a couple of times... actualy i've posted what currecny i've spent on every item that i have ( here http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/606841/page/16 ) I'll say it again: You need the items that i have ( or very similar to them ) in order to make this build work! NO you can't expect the same results if you have 2 alch worth rings with practicly nothing! NO you can't expect the same DPS without Abyssus! NO you can't expect to make a quick and smooth transition to CI if you don't have Aegis Aurora and Rainbow Strides! NO you can't run around with 4Linked chest and expect to annihilate Palace map Dominus! NO you can't have good low level DPS without Meginord's Girdle! NO you can't have pure ES chest and expect to make it with RRRRRG! I'm sorry if i sound aggresive or frustrated but sometimes i think that nobody actualy reads what i've wrote... and that's actualy very discouraging... i feel like there's no point in doing these guides trying to keep them updated and constantly upgraded if possible... and answering to questions ... sometimes helping with gear etc. I mean i've spent alot of time and work to make this ( and other ) threads in order to help people out... trying to make different builds that actualy work... trying to bring some diversity on the PoE builds... Not because i want feel like a "pro". Not because i want people to say good things about me... But because i'm sick of Freezing Pulsers and Dischargers and Blenders and Lightning Arrowers... i like to think that i actualy help this great game by trying ( and maybe succeeding) to bring some diversity... but maybe it's all for nothing... Oh well thanks for you time and i'm sorry for these few cheesy off-topic lines... "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 14, 2013, 2:20:28 PM
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+1 what you said. IGN: AchiLize
Achi's Quality Shop https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/602552 |
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" sorry if you answered this already but i dont think you mentioned in the front page, dont wanna skim through all these pages, but would you recommend the unique lapis ammy to get 60+ spell block? do you think its worth the dps lost? Domination - IGN: Fat_Camp Standard - IGN: FrozenPatties Last edited by BlackSacrament#2480 on Dec 14, 2013, 4:28:57 PM
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