[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2
Just wanted to say thank you for this build. Really well structured, pleasing to the eye in terms of layout and a fun build to play! Just hit 70 and am starting to gather the necessary gear. Still missing an Abyssus, 6L chest and minmaxed jewelry, but that's about it.
So once again, thanks for taking the time to do this for us scrubs that suck at theorycrafting. :) A question about the abyssus... Is it very important to get a 40% one, or does the armor roll matter more in your opinion? Fearing how much damage I will take when I get it, mostly from enemies like Kole. |
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Thanks joelastrom!
Well i n my opinion it's better to have 40% than more armour. Because the reduction from the armour is not an exact number but the extra damage will always be 40% no matter what. With this build the thing is to survive the first hit and to be able to get to max ES until the next big hit. At this point i can't survive only 3 things - Maze map Vaal Oversoul smash attack and Residence/Palace map Dominus smash attack. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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All right, that's what I thought. Another question (which I hope you haven't mentioned before, read everything at least). In several of your movies you have about 5000 ES. How do you actually achieve that number with only a chestpiece and boots giving ES (apart from the small numbers from jewelry)? I get that I'm missing a fair amount of +%ES and +%aura efficiency nodes, being only lvl 70, but 2,7k and 5k is quite a difference. Do you change out your helmet for those fights, or how does it add up? Like, what's your ES value without discipline up?
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The only thing that i change when i play is to swap the shields when needed. Everything else stays as it is and i always use Abyssus.
Don't Underestimate the power of the aura efficiency nodes! Here have this screenshot showing ES with and without Discipline:
![]() "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Nov 27, 2013, 7:34:58 AM
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Wow, I'm really not going to skimp on those two clusters of nodes! :) Good to see that your survivability is very obtainable at least, even if the DPS will be somewhat lower due to no legacy facebreakers. Can't think of any more questions right now, but thanks for the quick replies. Consider this a free bump for a great guide. ;)
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I came to think of a point of your build that I'm trying to understand. You yourself use temporal chains rather than enfeeble. Why is that? I know you say both are great, but isn't that the "wrong" choice? Due to Aegis Aurora, the build clearly favors many small hits instead of fewer large ones. And the only real weakness is being 1-shot.
Enfeeble prevents exactly that, while temporal chains only makes the hits fewer (which could theoretically damage you by giving you fewer shield procs to heal off of). Are you using it mainly for the control that the movement speed debuff provides? Oh, I've now also capped all resists and gotten a 40% abyssus. My GOD this build is demolishing everything at endgame. And I'm far from done, both in level and gear. |
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I used to think exactly the same thing about enfeeble vs temporal chains. The difference between the two is actualy very small in terms of survivability. The things that can onehit you(already mentioned which things can do that) will still do it even with enfeeble. While with Temporal chains it's easier to manualay dodge them. And i'm not sure if it's just me ... but it seems like temporal chains helps vs desync. But i still can't tell for sure which curse is better...
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Good point. Guess it really is a matter of taste then. Or a matter of being too lazy to reroll item sockets and level gems... :D
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i played this build on domination but it became hard 50-70 lvl without goood gear
and its really boring :D but if someone need ideal ring call me ING: Pan_Samolodzik
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As the thread is otherwise quiet, I'll ask another question (consider it a bump).
How valuable is %elemental dmg for the build? I know infernal blow's explosion will do more damage because of it, as well as hatred. Considering paying a bit extra for an amulet with 30ish % of the stat, if it's worth it. |
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