[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2
Hey! Thanks for the build, it is really powerful.
But I have a question. Can some of you spare me a little bit of your rare items? I am level 22, so it's worth pretty much nothing. I have almost died killing Kraityn with this gear: Thank you very, very much for your help. I'd search items for myself if I had such a good luck... |
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One tip that will be very helpful for you :
Don't rely on Es at all until you get to level 62. And PM me ingame... i'll see what i can do for .. perhaps i have some gear that i don't need and that i can donate :D "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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this guide has been enlightening, so first of all a BIG THANKS.
I recently mix this build with my summoner a little, and that hybrid witch is actually fun and viable, even tho i haven't got that abyssus helmet( 5ex is a big sum for me). I also found something here to ask: 1.my build use IR to trans evasion, and with grace aura, i got really stable and decent defence, is it because i'm with minions distract for me, or this is universal viable. 2.Is strength needed to be high to deal good damage? mine's about 200, looks fine, is there a big difference? 3.as long as i'm not one shot dead, i can face tank anything,(i'm a summoner, nowhere as tank as your char),so wouldn't it be better if you horde AR, and make sure your defense is constant. or there's something nasty on my way ahead (i'm 80, only did some 71 maps, no problem at 66) 4.thx to you, i now get a solution to some boss that one shot me with extra chain or use aoe wipe out my zombies, i just charge into their face! and i think minions are good rescue teams when i'm frozen or shocked, they might be stupid but sticky as hell. |
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Hi Child_Of_Hundreds !
1. I don't use Iron Reflexes for 3 reasons: 1) I need to waste too much points just to get it 2) I can't use Grace because i can't lose Discipline ( gives me around 2000 Energy Shield ) and i can't lose Hatred ( gives me around 11000 DPS ) 3) If i don't use Grace i won't have any Evasion so i don't need IR To the question Grace + Iron Relflexes is a pretty standart buff to your survivability so yes it helps and it is universaly viable 2. As i've explained before X% physical damage won't do much of a difference with a Facebreaker build ( the flat physical damage is what you really need) so as long as you have enough strengh to be able to use your gear/gems you'll be fine 3. At this point nothing can oneshot me. So i really don't need more Armour(it would be nice but i don't need it) If you want to know what lies ahead of you ( in terms of map bosses) just check out the "Boss Fights" section.. there are good advices for the potentialy hard boss fights ;) 4. Well i'm glad that such a combination works out for you and that you are having fun with it. After all that's the most important part in any game - to have fun! For me? I'm not a big fan of the mixed builds. I prefer to stick to one thing and to make it as good as possible. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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COOL,another BIG THX
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Finally got my hands on one of these :D
Next, es/ar armor! But I wus wondering, how much dps wud u do without Abyssus? the 40% extra incoming phy dmg sounds scary. Right now doing 3k dmg at lvl 47 without menigords. Levelling has been a breeze so far :) Last edited by nightblade157#6640 on Nov 23, 2013, 1:20:19 PM
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mmhh still have a unskilled lvl 75 shadow standing around. how would you do it from the shadow side? or lose too much?
could also give him some of my old fp ci witch gear. would consider going fp on shadow and this on witch but getting 90 regrets is meh ign: Lucador / Zashah
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Thank you for the work put into this build and the time put into writing a guide for us. I have a lvl 85 freeze pulse witch that im tired of playing and have been searching for a new build to try that i can afford for the most part. This definitely looks promising. I have about 32 exalts saved and about 20 in gear to sell off. I mainly do dominus runs over and over and am looking for a build to handle farming dominus in groups. My question is this a viable dominus killing build? Can i facetank dominus merci? Whatvare kill times when doing first and second form dom? What do i need to be careful of when killing dom with this build? I would greatly appreciate any pointers you could give me. Again i am looking for a high dps witch build, tired of mediocre dps/high survivability builds... if this isnt the build can u or anyone direct me to another decent dominus slaying high dps witch build ?(also considering shotgun fireball build, just a little short on being able to afford 2 void batteries) thanks again.
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After 654 fusings i give up and stay with 5L.
It took me 167 scour/alch/chaos to get this result:
Now that i have all the needed items can start leveling und of course a new farming marathon for orbs. Thank you for your work ! |
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Already Pm you with that but i'll post it here for anyone to see :) Well i'll answer you like this: With this build you can't facetank 2 things and 2 things only - Maze map Vaal Oversoul Macesmash attack and map Dominus (level 74 and 78) smash attack. These 2 attacks can be easly avoided since the bosses charge them for a couple of seconds.. enough time to get away. Anything else in the game ( including Shrine map Piety(level 77 - check ut the video :) ) is like a walk in the park.. you just faceroll and facetank everything. Atleast i do with my gear.. i don't know your gear.. but if it's like mine ... well yea.. faceroll... So Merciless Dominus? He won't even scratch you. So basicly you don't need to watch out for anything with him.. you just go there and kill him... that's all... his smash attacks deals me around 3000 Damage so i'm still having 2000+ after that.. the only thing that you must beware of is the bleeding attack in his second form.. a single flask with remove bleeding takes care of that @Xobeh Shadow won't be the best class for this build.. you've guessed correctly - wasting too much passive skill points @nightblade157 Gratz! DPS with Abyssus - 44587 DPS without Abyssus - can't exaclty tell you know because i dont have enough dex without it.. but if my calculations are corect ( or maybe i've tested it before? ) you lose around 40% of your damage.. and you'll end up with around 26-27k DPS "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Nov 23, 2013, 2:12:41 PM
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