[1.0.2] Tri Element Trapper
I will try this on Nemesis.
With what skills are you leveling this up? Also can you make progression passives with level 20, 40, 60 etc? Last edited by danteafk#2688 on Nov 13, 2013, 3:32:37 PM
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" Added a build every 20 points. That's the path I pretty much took, however to each their own. Outside of trying to get Iron Reflexes soon and early, and Eldritch Battery around level 60, the rest is personal preference. Whether you want EE, Crit Nodes, or Aura Nodes in whatever your desired order, that's up to the individual. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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What are your resistances and hp/armor on merc? Also please post dps numbers from your spells. This build sounds fun, but also pretty glass cannon like |
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" Not glass cannon at all because of Cloak of Defiance. With how fast your mana regens, it's pretty close to a way of saying 40% damage reduction unless you get smashed a few times very fast. My resists are maxed at 75% all. My HP is just shy of 3,000, but I messed up and spent 7 points to get a trap cluster instead of two HP clusters I wanted. Whatever, they'll be my next 7 points lol. Once I do spend those 7 points on HP, I'll be gaining: +10 Str, +20 flat HP, and 56% HP. I'll probably be floating somewhere around 4K hp once I have those. Armor is just shy of 8K which is a 47% reduction. This is with only a level 17 grace, and my gear could be better in the +evasion area. When I pop a Jade Flask, I have 20k armor for 69% reduction. DPS on traps is a weird thing because of how terrible the game calculates trap DPS. It's always best to look at the actual damage ranges. Lightning - 45-860 Fire - 607-907 Cold - 585-881 Bear - 2455-3436 phys // 931-1304 fire Again, all 4 of those traps are only level 17, the damage will only go higher. Also remember, those damages are on a "per trap" basis. I throw THREE of each of the elements. IGN: Arkon_Monk https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 Last edited by arkon9944#7814 on Nov 13, 2013, 5:26:11 PM
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Sounds good, I just hit 30 and having fun with that build, though dmg is pretty low still. Bosses/Rare`s take forever with beartrap.
Can you post your gear in the start post so that we have an indicator what to look out for? I can tell you are running grace + clarity, right? In the playstyle section from the first post you are speaking of applying shock stacks, what is causing this? I see no shock nova or equivalent. Last edited by danteafk#2688 on Nov 13, 2013, 10:08:51 PM
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What do you think about using 5-6L Searing Touch with fire trap and fire supports for big damage? I guess in Merci the resists from shields might be worth more than added damage, but still, I know from leveling trapper with 3L searing that the damage compared to bear trap is higher (tooltip, at least). Also, lately the cheapest Sunblast belts I have seen are 14 chaos (that in itself is rare), no where close to 5-8 chaos.
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" Crits with Lightning Trap IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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" Okay, so let's compare. At the moment, I'm using: My set up gives me 70% spell damage, 140% chance to crit, 40% all resists, and 90+ life. The 170 armor is nothing, however I also get 58 mana and 38 ES from my shield, which ends up being a little more than 200 mana total. Now onto Searing Touch. You're gonna gain at best 10-20% fire damage, but lose anywhere from 20-40% spell damage for Ice and Lightning. You're also going to lose 140% chance to crit, while gaining Burn Damage. Cast Speed does absolutely nothing for traps. And yes, the +2 fire gems will be handy for Fire Trap as well. My Fire Trap is linked with Fire Trap-Multi Trap-Fire Pen-Ele Prolif. Obviously as a 5th you would add Increased Burning Damage. As a 6th, either more chance to crit, crit multiplier, or chance to ignite. All in all, I think Searing Touch with Fire Traps is amazing, but in a build designed to do such...IE - Getting up to the Witch/Templar area and getting even more burn damage and such. In a build that tries to fully take advantage of Trap Nodes and EE, I personally believe boosting Fire Trap up hefty at the cost of BOTH your lightning and ice traps is not worth the trade off. A Shock Nova/Fire Trap build, sounds interesting and maybe something I might even try eventually, but in my opinion, Searing Touch doesn't make the cut in this particular build. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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How exactly does Reduced Duration work with Lightning Trap and Cold Snap?
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" Basically it makes them go off faster. Without reduced duration using sunblast my lightning trap auto-triggers after a few seconds. With reduced duration (currently level 55), it goes off almost instantly which boosts dps and allows you to utilize EE to its maximum potential. I'm enjoying this build a lot, the only thing i've had any trouble with so far is cruel Dominus just due to the lack of life leech and I wasn't resist capped so I was taking excess damage. I'm currently using: At lower levels I was using to boost my mana regen. I also used Searing touch until I had a viable replacement because it's insanely good for lower levels using fire trap with just multitrap+chance to ignite or increased burning damage. Pre-sunblast it's quite good. |
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