[1.0.2] Tri Element Trapper
" EE is pretty awesome, and it doesn't really cost you that many extra points to get anyway. That ring of HP nodes near Scion is pretty important, you can never have too much HP. Second, as for how well EE works with this build: Let's assume you do 100 damage (random easy number). If a monster has 0% resist, that's 100 damage. If it's EE at -50%, that's 150 damage, that's a 50% damage increase. Now, going the opposite way, let's say a monster has 75% resist, that means you do 25 damage. With EE, he now has 25% resist and you do 75 damage, you just TRIPLED your damage against high resist mobs. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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Damn, never knew getting a RBBG on the Deerstalker was so damn hard. I have acquired all the necessary gear required, just need the colours. So far so good, my only problem is that I only have 1K HP on A3 cruel.. would that make do until I get to the Scion part of the tree?
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**Updated the Links a little bit**
Changed Fire Traps 4L from Chance to Ignite to Ele Prolif. Once you begin to crit a bunch with Fire Traps, the change to Ele Prolif is a HUGE AoE DPS increase. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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" That does seem a bit low. Besides the "required" gear, the rest of your items you should use whatever you can find that has +HP and +Resists. Don't really worry about mana and ES until after you done farming the Ledge or even as late as Docks farming. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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Out of curiosity, what is your crit% with the various traps now? I've used traps in the past as backup to other skills, and never really found them to crit enough to worry about it. For that reason, I was thinking about skipping the crit nodes (or at least taking them as the absolute last points I spend) and using a nicely rolled Moonsorrow wand I have rotting in my stash instead of a dagger.
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" There's 4 traps you use in this build. Lightning and Cold Snap have 4% base, Fire and Bear have 5% base. Lightning and Cold for me have 19% chance to crit. The only +Crit Chance I have is the nodes and a Divinarius Dagger. Absolutely no Crit Chance on any other gear. Fire and Bear have 23% chance to crit. Originally when I first made this build, I was of the same mindset you have. However, crits really are the bread and butter of this build. Shock stacks from lightning, Ele prolif'd Fire Explosions, and Cold Snap freezing even more often than it's built in chance...all of these things are good. Let along the extra damage from critting as well. Yes, crit nodes can be taken later on in the build, which I do recommend, but not too late. Probably in your 50s or so is a good spot to begin taking some crit. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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Updated my Cast When Damage Taken (Level 6) gem links after the nerf.
Now it's linked with a 20% Quality/Level 8 Temp Chains And a level 8 Enduring Cry. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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Wanted to try this build on nemesis, but the belt costs 1 exalt?
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Sunblast is 1-2ex on standard depending on how close to perfect it is, so that sounds about right.
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lol wut? you guys clearly have'nt looekd around enough on nemesis, i bough a 40 25 belt for 7 chaos
ign: DreamsofIllusions
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