[1.0.2] Tri Element Trapper
How do you feel about the new Lightning Skill (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONDaFs3uky0) on trap? It seems.. fun but not as optimal as Shock Nova and maybe not even as good as Lightning Trap.
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" Looks cool, but it seems the main benefit of it is that you can cast multiple bolts into one area. Traps would only cast 1 bolt per so I doubt it'll be that effective in traps. We'll see though, the damage range could be off the charts for all we know. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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Saw a screenshot of the Storm Call gem at level 8. Granted it can scale a lot different later on, but it does less damage than a level 8 Shock Nova. Also, Shock Nova might be the single best quality bonus in the game, so there's always going to be that to make up for.
IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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Have you ever tried Arc trap? I've been trying to find an alternative to lightning trap and I cant afford the belt, so shock nova isnt really a choice /:
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For the next 5 points looks like there's a few options. Charisma, elusiveness + life nodes, or just life nodes. Also there's a 8% increased aura effect above scion start. I don't think clear mind would be bad either just depends what is giving you the most trouble.
If you wanted more damage you could go with clever construction and the point next to expeditious munitions or the two extra points by high explosives. If everything is being one shot though no real reason to go for damage over survivability (assuming HC). |
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Thanks alot for this guide , it's so much fun just aoe blasting everything.
One question, how do you have 88 percent shock on shock nova? I get that its 30 from quality and some from crit chance but how do you it that high? |
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" Okay, here's the math to it. My Shock Nova has a 22% chance to crit. It also has the Q20 bonus of 30% chance to shock. I know we throw 3 traps, but here's how it all works. "Trap 1" - 22% chance to shock, leaving 78% to not crit. Out of that 78%, 30% of the time the Shock Nova "proc" kicks in. 30% of 78 = 46% of the time "Trap 1" will either crit or proc a shock stack. "Trap 2" - Out of the remaining 54% of the time that "Trap 1" doesn't get a shock going, 46% of the time that happens, "Trap 2" would instead be the one to crit/proc shocks. 46% of 54 means 71% of the time either "Trap 1" or "Trap 2" will put on the shock stacks. "Trap 3" - 29% remaining as complete misses on shock, trap 3 has a 46% chance also, making the total number that at least 1 of the 3 traps will crit/proc a shock to be 85%. When I first did the math I guess my crit chance was a tiny bit higher resulting in 88%, but at my current numbers it's now 85%, close enough. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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One question: what happens to Elemental Equilibrium if I spam Fire Trap linked with Added Cold Damage?
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" "The Elemental Equilibrium keystone passive skill now grants a flat amount (+25%) of resistance to each element you hit with and a resistance penalty (-50%) to each element not present in the hit." Fire and Cold would both get +25% resists, Lightning would be the only -50%. IGN: Arkon_Monk
https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 |
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Hey, this is a decent build that I've been popping in and out of this topic since it was made as I was playing my own trapper at the time and like some of the changes you've made plus the differences between yours and mine. Initially I planned to use a certain set of skills and I've pretty much organically changed things and regret other decisions along the way despite being effective still. So I've decided to shard my experiences as I've reached Merciless Act 2...
Sunblast is a necessary item for this build. Planned on using Lightning Warp > Trap > MultiTrap > Ele. Prolif. but levelled a Shock Nova to use it with Reduced Duration with keen interest of getting a 20% quality Shock Nova. With Sunblast belt, Trap Lightning Warp is so beastly that it could be the only skill you use if you specced for it making it your 6 link. I didn't because I want to try various things. Mana cost is pretty hideous but actually more than fair being that it can hit twice on cast and having multiple traps with chance to shock from passive tree and so far 20% chance to crit it sometimes just nukes a massive pack with a single toss. It hard for me to think about Shock Nova as from playing it shock stacks just as well from 6 chances hitting and proliferating. Was using Ice Nova, ditched it for Cold Snap > Trap > Elemental Proliferation (would also use Increased AoE or MultiTrap with it also but currently do not have) for a combination of defensive and better target damage reasons. I was intending to use Ice Nova > Reduced Duraction > Increase AoE > Culling Strike to snipe enemies, but Flame Totem > Blind > Culling Strike > Arc was better. When I didn't have Sunblast I needed something else to aggro enemies to walk over traps. Also with this build I was intending to mine traps so they gain increased damage from both passives but it was too janky as the mines and the traps both have very small radius - they can only see as far as their trigger radius so mine would flip a trap in place most of the time and the trap would explode a little time after in a most useless fashion. I also tried zombies, Minion Instability... just things to do between trap cooldowns/throwing traps. Mines would be decent if they weren't so blind so you could queue up your other traps as mines and to bypass cooldown and have extra burst damage when you pop your mines... in reality doesn't work very well when supported by Trap but fine on their own (Storm Call might be an applicable skill along side Lightning Warp when I switched my skills around. LW is better as a Trap tho' - someone might want to experiment with mining skills, depends on your playstyle. Cold Snap was also good mined...). Fire Trap is still a solid skill. If people want to use it with fewest links, Increased Burning and Increase AoE as the burning does not benefit from Fire Penetration, only the explosion does and actively checks the enemy resistance. Since hitting it would make it more resistance you need to switch it again and would not benefit at all so using it with Elemental Equilibrium is a waste IMO. I didn't want to really use EE because it can screw up groups this build naturally becomes one and greatly benefits from it even using the skills that I do that don't necessarily activate all at once. I don't have it currently, don't even use curses but I was thinking about it with this build for some degree of support with multiple curses - my passive tree is a regretful mess: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYBAP0OSBGWFLAV5xZvFr8XUBzcHpQkPCaVJ6ktHzZ7PV9JO0lRTC1QQlJTVUtVxlptW7td8l76YeJnvW0ZbXtwUXBScNVzs35ZfrB_xoIeh9uMNo9Gj6aP-pMnm6Gdo6IuoqOnXKw_rJi1SLd1wFHB889l0NDVT9hU2wvcV95344TuFe5v8Gvz6vfX_Ks= Level 57 - 2.2K life 920 Mana or so. I'd either be a Templar or Witch and actually use Armour/ES gear and not EVA/ES gear because I doubt I'll get the block nodes I want being Evasion and I want more life atm. Survivability - anything genuinely dangerous you can dodge it/avoid. It's the weird advantage of a trapper that hardcore players might see as flaky but I see Arkon's build being far more advantageous than mine in that regard. The only issues I had was Dominius Cruel and had to play when there was massive EU latency that day and died 3 times to his first form because I couldn't "see" anything being my only deaths. His 2nd form I could basically stand in front of him and spam traps, so the lack of defensive nodes and just going on evasion from gear/block and totem blinding is sufficient because blind is pretty damn good. I want 4k life but realistically would get 3.4k unless I get amazing gear. Going south to get Scion ring of life, evasion nodes probably block nodes as I don't need more damage and % less aura mana reserved. Because it's so effective there's no reason to start again really. " Arc is bad because you never get the coverage you want. Arc is somewhat aright as a mine tho'. You want an AoE skill. Lightning Warp is better if you can take the larger mana cost and pays for itself if you increase it's AoE so it can hit the same enemy twice (unless it decides to target something else). The weirdness with Lightning Warp as a trap is that when it targets the same thing, it nearly always targets a space NE of the initial placement (and this is the case also with Sunblast belt on triggering) so if you can aim traps in a way that they are throw in a line to the SW of an enemy pack, you can get complete coverage. I think that's about it. I ditched Lightning Trap really early. I wish it was a mine... Last edited by YellowMage#0417 on Nov 25, 2013, 11:23:00 AM
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