Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

i would love to have a PoE beta key or got some Dota2 keys if any1 wants to trade PM me
If anyone by chance has any extra keys i would love one :)
i need a key,if its possible.

I would love to try this game! If someone have extra beta key, I would appreciate him to present it to me. Sorry for my English :)
I would really appreciate a key :)
Would love a key, can't really afford a donation right now
I would like a key as well if anyone as an extra one.

It is my birthday after all ;)
If anyone have an extra key pls send me:)
I would appreciate that:) thanks anyway:)
I happened to come across PoE by an accident. Though now I'm completely sold thanks to all the awesome streamers out there. I would love to get Beta access and to be honest. I'd buy the supporter pack millions of times if I actually could, just that I'm broke as hell. Would love to get a left over Beta-key if there are any left.

Much appreciated - Phausto
Would love to get key too :)

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