Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I'd love if someone could send me an invite for PoE
I`d like to get a key too. I`ve been waiting like three weeks and still I got no key.

EMAIL: erikhenri@hot.ee or pm me please
Need beta key, please.
just send me one please ;/
I want a key too :D this game just looks so good!
I'd love a key for my IRL friend> Currently im the only one with a key and we''e been dying to play together so if any1 has a spare key i'd be eternally grateful!
been lurking around for a key since d3 dropped wasnt really into it but if anyone has a spare key would love to join in on some grinding
If anyone have a key to spare pm me , i would really appreciate it.
my e-mail is mr.zathar@hotmail.com
want a beta key if someone can invite me plsss!!!
Please if anyone want to use his extra key good, please send it to me:))
I'd love to get a beta key if anyone has an extra.

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