Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I will really appreciate if someone give me a beta key.
Videos from this game really entertained me , I was looking for a game like diablo 3 but since I cannot afford it I stopped here.
I'm here since a looong time and still hoping for a key!
Looking for a key for a friend PM me the code if you have one to spare thx!
still looking for a key.. if you have extra to spare please send one to me :)
pls send me a key :)
looking for a key also :)
I would realy love t have a beta inv from a beta user :)
I'm asking the Greeks especially if by any chance any of u can inv me my email is sin_walker@hotmail.com
I would really appreciate a key if someone would be king enough to spare one , i'll definitely add you in-game and make it up to you!
i'll be on atleast 15hrs a day whenever i do get a key :p
i recently quit runescape after maxing out and gettin comp cape and getting into the top 1k ranks :p would really love to start PoE asap :)
TY and PM me plz :)
I'd like a key. :)
IGN:GimmeGimmeBinos BainBainBain 3-12 pm PST
hey, if someone could send a key to me, that would be awesome!
we can play together!

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