Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Hi all, hoping that a kind soul out there will send me a Beta key. I read about this game in an interview done with the guy who helped implement the itemization and have had a bit of a read through some other info on the forums and watched some of the video and would love to give it a try!

Thanks in advance :)
key plz, tired of playing diablo3(((
Tired of theory crafting this game, want to get my hands on it. A key would be amazing right about now.
I would like to have key for beta bros
Key or Invite would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Getting a beta key would be very nice and I would appreciate it a lot. The community for this game seems to be pretty friendly. Thank you :)
I'm stuck with Diablo 3 at the moment... That's really all I need to say isn't it?
Sure could use a key. it would be most appreciated

I'z gots these cheeseburgers, man.

i wait key 4 monht =zero
I update the forum for 6-8 hours 3 days
I enter the code from the forum but they are activated=zero
looking key((( PLS!
Looking for Beta Key to join friend in PoE. Ty Ty

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