Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I really want a beta key :|
Been waiting a long time but sadly I haven't gotten any key yet.
Feel free to send me a beta key if you got a spare one! Would be really appreciated.
Last edited by Nanouk#6712 on Dec 11, 2012, 6:20:10 PM
Gdyby ktoś chciał nadal przetestować grę, to mam jeden kluczyk. PM i ląduje do chętnego, zniecierpliwionego gracza :D
Sam długo czekałem na okazję. Może ktoś z polaków jeszcze tu zagląda :D

szerzymy rasizm XXI wieku ;]
'If so powerful you are, why leave?'
I'd love to get a beta key :)
long time follower that never got into the beta, would really appreciate a spare key from some nice soul out there ;)
I'd like to get a key. Thanks for help
i would like to get a beta key too. kripp brught me to the game , looks very intresting
A key would be awesome - Only so much you can learn about the game without playing it. :)
I'd like a key :D 2 friends got their key today at a huge giveaway but i didnt get to my computer in time because of my work schedule....

So if someone has a spare key i would really appreciate it!!!

Edit: the guy after me had a great idea!! when he is out of Dota 2 keys i have some too so feel free to pm!
Last edited by AszErazer#5304 on Dec 11, 2012, 8:04:23 PM
I would very much like a beta key too, if no one gonna bless me with one i guess i will wait until payday to grab myself a pack :D
Last edited by Geraloo#4574 on Dec 11, 2012, 8:15:04 PM

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