Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

key for me pls
I'd love a key as well if anyone has one to spare. Thanks!
Hey I'd love a key if anybody has a spare they are willing to give me <3 me love you long time.
what would i give to get a beta key?...

i would give 1, 2, 3, 4...7 seven asses.

(AH TEN OUTTA TEN prss help a fellow grump?)

I would like a beta key too , thanks for any person willing to give :)

I doubt ill get one, buy hey i might :3
I was playing the whole free weekend and almost finished act2... I would really appreciate if someone will give me a beta key. Peace :)
I really want to play this game but I can `t buy a key.
If someone can give me a key I will be very grateful
Would really apreciate an invite ty for your <3
I am your Devine one Bow before me
One for me too plz i would love a key!
I have yet lived to see a man wise enough to be ignorant and one foolish enough to be wise.

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