Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

if any1 got spare beta key i would love one.
Polish guy here speaking fluent english:)
To bad the game is in beta still. Im waiting on 3 games to let me into their beta's now (Planetside 2, Path of Exile, and Firefall). Planetside 2 should be letting me in real soon...just hope i get into one of them eventually. Suspense kills me!

Anyways...if anyone has an extra beta key and would like to be kind and give me one it would be very appreciated. If not its alright, just hope they dont take forever to send me my own beta key.

For those of you still waiting like I am, hang in there! We will all get to play it eventually.
True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us. - Socrates

Got my Planetside 2 beta key finally. Cant run the game with my graphics card atm...
if anyone got an extra invite, please invite me! :D
i need a key pls, i cant play anymore d3 its pain in da ass! :(
Last edited by StoRmkay#4978 on Sep 23, 2012, 8:09:08 PM
If anyone has an extra key, I would like one.

Last edited by AsMyBrideBurns#3819 on Sep 24, 2012, 12:57:48 AM
javier_3791@hotmail.com please help me with a beta ! :D
An Invite sure would be amazing, this game looks to be one of the best free to play ones out there. If I weren't a poor uni student I wouldn't think twice about buying a key.
Sympathy for a poor uni student with nothing to do over spring break(in the Southern hemisphere)?
Would appreciate if someone sends me a beta invite, been watching the beta jey invite timer each 5 mins everyday, hoping to see my name there but well nothing happens ... :S
I've been waiting for the key since June, help-help please)
give me 1 invite please. :D

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