Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!


10min before server closes.

Vaal Oversoul encounter with full health, lvl 27 and basic skills collected over the course of 12hrs playing time.

*slashing sounds, flasks + 1 TP (no deaths)*

10sec before server closes.

Vaal Oversoul 1/4 health and screen suddenly disappears.

The time I spent playing this game > 400+ hrs spent on D3.
ANY kind soul willing to share an invite would have my deepest gratitude. PoE the true heir to diablo 2!

invite me please))
Beautiful post Lord, have to say that the small weekend preview utterly pwns 300 hrs of Diablo 3 gameplay. I'm just so excited to play PoE again soon!

Would love to actually play this beautiful game, but it is very unlikely to get a key :/
I realy need one key if there is anyone so good to give me one i will be so happy.
Pm me with key. Ty in advance.
Would love a invite.
Good evening guys. I'm looking to activate my beta account aswell. If someone is kind enough to give me a key, I would appreciate it.
Thanks and greetings from the stronghold of the Oktoberfest ;-)
GIVE ME ONE NOW!!!!11!1!!11
Last edited by wurstgewitter#7297 on Dec 14, 2012, 10:51:49 AM
Hey guys, ive been hanging around the forums and site for a while now, and was part of the past weeks open beta. I am totally impressed with what has been produced so far. I am in a tight spot financially at the moment and cannot contribute to gain access at this time. If anyone has an extra key to hand out id appreciate it. I do plan on making a supporter purchase in the future, and will hand out my key to a person in my position or in want of a key. my email is silverfanfare70@fastmail.fm TY and Have Fun!

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