Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I would love an invite, if someone were so kind. Please PM me. ^_^ I would be forever in your debt!!!
Praise Keysus...and he shall guid you down the path...of Exile. ^_^
I'll gladly participate in this begging.
Sure, I'll beg too. :P
PM me on if you can... Thanks!
Same here. If you are willing to help an isometric RPG enthusiast out, please toss me a key! :D
Anyone have an extra key? I'm dying to give this a try! Thank you in advance.
Key, for Me? <flutters eyelids>
I wouldnt say im desperate for a key but i know my friend is. So incase any of you have a spare, i know that ill be giving it to my pal first :)
can you please invite me
By the shadow's will! Give me a key pls! ^.^

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