Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

would love to start uploading vids on this game so please send a key to me please
please send out an invite to me maduhpacker@hotmail.com
I sure would love an invite as well. I appreciate anyone willing to PM me. Thanks
delicious invite would be appreciated.
invite please I must slay monsters
I am from the landt far north, where dragon roars and wind screams. I have ancient viking blood running through my vains. Fullfit my fate, and give me an invite!
Invite me plz to beta i will slaye mobs

pm me oder email :Robert120@gmx.at

Thx mfg Robert
Need an invite plz! PM or s.herrmann0712@gmx.de

thx a lot
i too would sure like a beta key :P
I promise I will kill one monster if I get a key.

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