Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

mustafa_saadat25@hotmail.com please invite if you have extra friend invite. have vent, coolasfuck and will train with you! :)
So many people asking, it'll be impossible to get them all.
i'd like to have a key for my brother who has now vacacions, hes doctor and has a really hard job - now he would have some time - thx.
IGN: HansWerner
Hi I'd like to have a beta invite to Path of Exile because the game seems like fun.. so yeah, there you have it!
If anyone has a friend invite they want to toss my way, I'll be adicted to this game in no time I'm sure, and I've got 5 other buddies who are will recieve friend invites to, so you'd be increasing the community by 6 dedicated gamers!!!

oh ya, send it to zanngetsu@gmail.com
Last edited by tehbanzors#5251 on Sep 28, 2011, 2:47:22 PM
Wait..... How is it anonymous when we post it here? :D
Oh and I would like a key aswell.
Hey guys i have been waiting for quiet some time to play something new & actually worth playing since past two years practicaly nothing good came out. So by searching trough various websites,forums and so on i finaly came by
Path of Exile few mounths ago which realy cought my eye with its Diablo series similarety and unique talent & skill system allong with dark atmosphere,but unfortunatly for me i wasent as lucky as some of you were and did not get key (cries...hehe just kidding:) so if any of you guys have a spare one could you maybe toss it in my way?

Anyways i wount be leaving my mail here since i have bad experience doing so.So could you just pm key to me?

OH and im sososorry that you had to go trough my horrible spelling. xD

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Last edited by Nisse99#4254 on Sep 28, 2011, 5:34:18 PM
I wants pm me =D

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