Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

any1 got a key? i hardly want to play this game :<
Well, if someone has an extra key I could put it to good use:)

Just PM me:)
I would like to have one too.

How many friends can actually be invited per account?
would also love one here
I would like to get one, Wyhylylywyly1@poczta.fm (old WoW esport player)
tavidoru@yahoo.com one invite please I'm sick of waiting for D3

Will do naughy naughty things for a key been wanting to play this for so long and am a huge fan of the genre playin dozens of diablo/diablo mods, sacred, torchlight, titanquest ect and really want to test this game to help ensure that it is the strongest it can possibly be for launch =D.
I registered a few Months back (I think that was before the beta started) because I was really impressed by this game. It seemed different from all those wannabe mmo games. I played a lot of mmo/rpg betas so I have a lot of comparison. I'd really like to try this one and maybe be able to contribute to a better game.
I forgot that I had an account when I came back here and was really surprised but unfortunately I haven't gotten into beta yet :(

Maybe someone out there has pity with me and sends me a key.
So please if you got a key for me send me a PM.
I would love a key.

I would be able to 'gift' some D2 gg items if someone were nice enough to gift me a key ;)
If anyone has an extra one Pm me

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