Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

would really appreciate it if someone spared a key for me as well...
Anything for an invite!
A smile for you and everyone!


I heard having keysus in your sig increases chances of receiving a key by 2mil percent!
I would love an invite! ive been waiting for this for a while now, played Diablo 1 and 2 plus LOD, torchlight and am anxiously waiting for D3.!

Much appreciated if anyone actually wants to randomly give me a key.

This looks better than D3 so far.
if someone could give me a beta key I would be really thankfull. Please =).

E-mail: feineken93@gmail.com

I would like one!!!!! PRETTY PLEASE!!!!


Would love to be part of the PoE beta, Please if anyone has a spare lemme know! ty and have a great day
love to try the game out.
wants a key <3
Hi everyone! If anyone has a key to share, I would really appreciate it. My favorite color is orange.


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