Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Hey, hardcore (literally) Diablo 2 player waiting for Diablo 3 to be released when I ran across this game about a week ago. I am the noobiest of noobs to this forum/game and would love a generous invite. I am highly skilled in these types of games and love role-play with a hint of PvP. PM me if you need a friend!
Vigilance2v5x wrote:
Hey, hardcore (literally) Diablo 2 player waiting for Diablo 3 to be released when I ran across this game about a week ago. I am the noobiest of noobs to this forum/game and would love a generous invite. I am highly skilled in these types of games and love role-play with a hint of PvP. PM me if you need a friend!

tl. dr.
Pretty sure skill is not a factor for beta access. Love the noobiest of noobs comment...who isn't, unless they are in beta already?

Now give me bacon!

Hey, first time post on here. I normally check the forums a few times a week, and spend time reading about classes.

It would be nice if I could get a key, been waiting on this game since the very first post about it on Joystiq. Looks to be everything that Diablo 3 wants to be.

If I could get a key, awesome. If not, its cool. Ill just go back to reading the forums, haha.

I would love a chance to help the indy game devs make great games.

Loved the living shit out of D1 and D2, even titan quest. This game looks like the next improvement of the genre. Hit me up, love to bro up and shit on some demons.
Last edited by bHw#7259 on Sep 20, 2011, 1:22:08 AM

Anyone feel like broing it up? Been waiting on a key for an extremely long time.

If anyone has an extra key I would love to make use of it. I have been looking for a good grim dark action rpg for a while that I can play with bros. Thanks! <3
This game looks absolutely wonderful and like something i can smoke a fat doobie, and jump right into an alternate dimension in... I would love a key, cheers guys muchos luvos and all that jazz steezyandeasy@gmail.com
saw the cynical brits youtube preview of this game and was amazed! would love to get my hands on it so if anyone was to grant me a beta key I would be very happy!

/cheers from Sweden

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