Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Im also looking for an invite aristoteles.monsalve (at) gmail.com
PM me please!
Would love a invite, little_counk@hotmail.com
I'd like to join the ranks of eager people wanting to take a peek of what could be a revolutionary game.
I've been an active gamer since early 2000. Always had a soft spot for ARPG's and hardcore RPG's. If anyone needs more than that as a reason for me to have a go at the beta, here's more:
I'm a very dedicated tester, and not a just someone who just wants to play a game to kill time. I really believe a community can make a game better by using their gaming knowledge as best as they can during testing.
I've also been involved in several alpha tests of international games, such as Divine Divinity here in Belgium. Which was a very satisfying experience.
+ have reviewing experience (was only for xbox360 games but am a hardcore pc gamer)

I think thats what I wanted to say in short,
Thanks for reading, and if someone invites me I salute you and hope to make this game better in every way.

yay a non complainy way for people to ask for keys XD

sure why not, pm me if any ones got one spare lol
I would like one thanx
From The Shadows I Reign
PM me if your feeling generous to a newbie :)
invite a swedish madman today!

unavailible@gmail.com (yes its a real email ^^)

in all honesty tho, i'd love an invite so if anyone has a spare key id very much appreciate it xD

Cheers from sweden.
If you guys still have a few invites, feel free to PM me one on the forums. I'd appreciate it a lot. :)
It would be really nice if someone pics me up and send me an PM. It would safe my day really :-) THX

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