Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

If anyone would be so kind to send me one, id be very grateful :D

I'll post a reply!

I saw this a while back, but didn't post because who am I kidding? Chances of me getting a random kind soul giving me a beta key is slim to none. But, here I am asking away! I can't promise much other than the fact that I will play quite a bit between work AND I will even be your friend! Fancy that. Well, just PM me if you plan on shooting me a invite to it, I check my account daily.

Well, as said before, it can't hurt.

I haven't been here for that long, I first time heard of this game last week. In our gaming group PoE has become the game that divides opinions from 'Can't wait!' to '...meh!'.

I've read through the forums and watched some videos and streams (Special thanks at this point to Starcraft42's streaming). I most certainly feel like a kid when it's almost christmas.

Oh, well... Since some of the posters have made promises of what they'll do when or if they ge their hands on a beta key, I'll do the same.

Even though I can't make promises like "I'll stream for a week straight!" or "I will buy a candybar to everyone in the forum", I'd like to make a promise that means probably most to myself.

If some kind soul gives me an excess key, I will (after saying thank you, of course) promise to prove the '...meh!' people wrong.
Guess it's a long shot, but what can you lose? PM if you want to invite me to the world of PoE! =) Key won't go waste
Damn timer, you scary!
I would love a key.

Might even be willing to trade D2 items/fg for it.
Need a key thanks
Yeah, well I DON'T want one. So ha. Looks like I'll be the only one getting what they want in this thread.
the keys are scarce and there are too many people asking for it, but what the heck...

would love to try this game :)
somber_bliss@hotmail.com -- Will do horrible, unmentionable things to get in.
Hey guys, I'd really love a key. I've been waiting for almost 6 months now, so I'd appreciate a key.

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