Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I respectfully request an invite if anyone has any to spare.

Thanks in advance.
It'd be so awesome if any of you beta testers could send me an invitation.

Thank you :-)
I'm also would be very-very grateful for an invite :D
Thank you!
i woud love you long time for key.
I'd love to get a key in order to play it on my new computer.
Please give me a key!!I'm crazy for this game! I'm very excited to play in this beta. Please send me a beta key! I already have the game fully installed in my pc. All i need is a key! Please...!!

Thank You.
Please give me a key just because you love my user name.
I got struck by lightning twice, a meteor crushed my car, a tree fell on my cat, my gf left me for an albino female dwarf wrestler and I have typers cramp from typing this and still no beta invite. Man it's been a rough week...wait what do you mean it's only Tuesday!?!
Tyrdras wrote:
I have typers cramp from typing this and still no beta invite.

Wow you get typers cramp fast :P
A tout patriot du Quebec, s'il y a un de vous qui a une extra key, penser a moi.

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