Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
i do not have a friend that has this game but if any one want to play with me hit me up i would love to play with you just need a key
Would be cool if i can have one! :D
alexchaoss@hotmail.com IGN: Éclairepewpew
plx key me mast0rrr
jef_etc_78@hotmail.com Last edited by eViLeJ#2752 on Sep 13, 2011, 10:02:56 PM
I'm new here but I would love to try this game out. All I can say is if I'm shown some beta love I will pass that love along if or when I get some invites to hand out on my own.
You can email me at circleofblood@gmail.com |
Got some free time next few week wouldn't mind spending some of it testing this game.
Please. ._. Aw screw it. Give it to me or not. My luck has been known as bad before and will most likely not change. If you read this, then thanks. Chances are it'll be lost in a matter of minutes. Goodbye. |
Both of my friends got keys, and are rubbing it my face. Would love to be able to play with them. So if your willing to give me a key I would be deeply appreciative and would help you out Ingame and be a favor bitch.
House-of-rude@comcast.net |
I would love to get a beta key from someone :D please I know I have only been waiting for just about 2 weeks but I really think that I would be a good beta tester.
~ Just send me a PM. | |
Id appreciate an invite :]
I would love a beta key, this game got me so hyped i had to play some Diablo 2. Just PM me