Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

id enjoy one for sure.
would be nice with a beta key :)

If someone wants to invite me, please send me a PM. I'm dying to try the game. Been a fan of the genre since the original Diablo and I'm fairly certain I'll be playing PoE instead of D3 full time. Also have a huge closed beta experience (over 19 games so far, many many more if you count open betas) so it wouldn't be a waste ;).

If by inviting me means I get to invite a friend as well, I'll invite someone randomly from this thread as well.
I will paint you like one of my french girls if you give me a key!
I really need a key, i would party with you, PM ME
I want a key thanks
If by any chance someone randomly gives me a beta key, thank you, otherwise good luck and congrats everyone.
I also, would greatly appreciate an invite as well from anyone that has a spare. I very much appreciate it!
LOL like life was just that kind to bring me a beta key this way but just for the lolz ima post here in case that some Mr nevergonnagiveumykey invites me haha good luck to everyone
I would love a beta key but if I can't get one then I guess I will see you guys and gals in open beta!

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