Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Well I would say most of the people who are hanging around and don't have beta access would like one, myself included.
"The Thread Killer" I kill threads dead.
giv me a beta key i DEMAND it now!!!!!
Hiho invite me please.
pm me for hardcore gamer friend. my favorite hobbies include power leveling, loot farming, and ganking lowbies with my spork.
Jeezz, i found about this game today, and i cant stop refreshing the front page hoping my name shows up. :(

Gief me a key! :D
I would love an invite. The hardcore league sounds awesome, as I played D2 hardcore mode back in the day.
I'd love a friend invite if someone has one. I am a very active player and will provide excellent feedback
i would love a friend invite if there's one available


IGN: ThisBuildProbablySux
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I know chances are low with everyone asking, but all the same I would appreciate a friend invite :D
I would love a key and if I get one and a friend invite I plan to do something similar to Alvana's 3rd contest to give them to active forum members.

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