Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

thecoolas@hotmail.com <--- would play with the inviter in beta and after for all eternity as a damage sulking marauder :) So plx pick me :)
i would love a key no it not gonna happen thowe unless i am a random pick for it.

O how I long for a key.
IGN: eNtaK
Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/SihteGaming
Path of Exile New Player Area Guide Video Playlist: http://bit.ly/13BcvFr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sihtegaming
I want to believe .... that there are beta keys out there.
I do wish for a key.
Key plz = )
Ingame name: Jinxedtotem / FearTheMonkeys
Well why not give it a try. Nothing to lose, cept for a couple hours a day if I do get it. If anyone would kindly share a beta invite, I'd greatly appreciate it. Even better if a german does, so we can chat!
if i have a invite, i'll do the same with the guys if i have one in d3!
Otacon, do you read?!
rock forever!!!!!(key plz:))
it would be rlly cool if i could get a bety key and try that nice game :)
[IGN] "Zealotchen"

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