Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Please invite me! I've been waiting for this game for months, and watching the timer religiously for a week.
Invite me and I'll be your slave!
I would really appreciate a beta invite if anyone has an extra to send. My email is marshmayh3m@hotmail.com. I'll be on most nights and certainly wouldn't mind teaming up and playing with my inviter if you would like some one to play the game with!
I am a starting youtuber and access to the beta would be awesome because of opportunity to make videos about PoE. Getting key would be awesome and I would be grateful for it.

I'll run a livestream with PoE if I get a key..
I'd love a key.
My manly pride has never allowed me to ask for anything, but my manly pride is worth nothing if I don't get to play Path of Exile right now. I'll give you my dignity too. Really, it's a yard sale. You want my virility and integrity? Yours.

Can I play Path of Exile now? Please?
I'll take a key off someone's hands. PM me on the forums :)
I would really appreciate a beta key :D
I also don't mind getting a beta key and/or an invite :-)

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