Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

A key would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out.
Anyone got a spare Beta key. plz send me a PM.
anyone that would pm me a invite i would be so much in dept to you.
Last edited by Star_man#3213 on Sep 8, 2011, 2:59:39 AM
Beer to the man !!!
For a key of couse :)
Send in PM plz if u got spare
Still around, looking for a key.
I'd love an invite if anyone is throwing one around.
Even willing to group up as whatever class you're interested in partnering with :P
NewDude: I killed Brutus. Now I have no quest. So what now?
Guy: I guess there are people that NEED quests for direction.
Guy2: I always wonder how those people get through life.
GuyMontag: They get married. Wives are like quest-givers.
:P who wants a Rift key ... not sure Id take one for free.
They can take all our money, take all our gold, but they'll never have your heart and no one can take your soul
need invite :) selas-doom@live.fr
PM on forum via the PM Button ---->
would love someone to hook me up with key.
pm or dindrane@hotmail.de
Well dunno why to chose me above all the others here, greetings from germany and plz speed up invites T.T

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