Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Seriously... did anyone get a key in this thread?
can i please get a beta invite!! SEND ME A PM thanks
Why not return a favor to GGG, for what seems to be incredibly well crafted game, and give me an invite, friend?
*hilarious reason why i deserve a beta key more than everyone else*
If anyone has an extra invite I would greatly appreciate it.

I somebody can send me an invitation, i'll be happy . thanks by advance
If someone would be kind enough to send me a key in pm it would be highly appreciated, thanks in advance!
You all know you want to play with Whagi.

Haha back to watching the invite ticker.
Wow... I wonder how long this whole process is going to take?
Forever since there are so many who registered probably and i doubt all of us will get in beta :(

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