Many ideas to improve the game

Added in General:

9. Increase "kicking" speed.

Rangers should broke barrels / crates / urns faster.
increase looting duration to increase public coop and not make thieves out of some and victims out of others. ( Ill pick that up for you sir while you finish off the pack )

Edut: If you want it bad enuf you will wait for it to time out
Caution....sudden stops for no reason whatsoever.
Last edited by P40Warhawk on Feb 26, 2013, 12:09:41 PM
I really like your ideas! Especially the skill tree planner.
"Man, it's like we're fighting housewives and their equipment." - Millennium
Added new idea in Items:

10. Looting pets.

Yes! It'll be a great feature to give a pet ability to loot currency (orbs) and unique items. This could increase GGGs cash in the pocket and make some use of pets - not only visual.

Also re-build description:

9. Increase looting duration.

Time to loot items is to short. It should be increased for several seconds so players who're fighting with bosses are many foes would have time to get their items and not being robbed by "ninjas".
Maybe if you didn't put 10,000 ideas into one thread, it might be easier to evaluate them.
Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
Pets that pick up, or can hold loot is close to pay to Win, if not flat out. Chris has already weighed in on making extra inventory space purchasable (not going to happen) and looting pets is even more so in that area of paying for an advantage. After all, your pet will pick up everything, not just yours. Makes ninja looting that much easier for people with this pet.
Pets are nice but I don't think they fit this game.
"Man, it's like we're fighting housewives and their equipment." - Millennium
A lot of small tweaks to improve overall game experience.. the first secetion I really didn't like or think all that nessacary.

A lot of the others are solid and I can only imagine they are aware of most of them. Simple "r" for reply has become so standard that I'm surprise its not yet in. Yet I feel its a waste of labor time but has to be done.

Their main issue should be overall game experience. Lowering quality of graphics, better optimization, less spell effects. and less desync.

Those are the two majors
Westonard wrote:
Pets that pick up, or can hold loot is close to pay to Win, if not flat out. Chris has already weighed in on making extra inventory space purchasable (not going to happen) and looting pets is even more so in that area of paying for an advantage. After all, your pet will pick up everything, not just yours. Makes ninja looting that much easier for people with this pet.

It'll not be P2W 'coz you'll pick those items no matter what. So pets'll make it faster. Actually it ain't any advantage.

VideoGeemer wrote:
Maybe if you didn't put 10,000 ideas into one thread, it might be easier to evaluate them.

Yeah, better to flood forum with 10.000 threads. All ideas from one person in one thread's a good solution.
New idea in Item section.

11. Loot options.

While creating a party, Party Creator (Leader) decides to set "loot" for "Name Restrictions" (item is set to a person and until the character is in the same location, noone can pick it up, exception - if a player is far, far away from the item) or "Roll Item" (the game starts a roll, player with biggest value gets the item).
Some of you can say that there should be a "Free for All" option. IMO it's a bad idea. Player with "fastest" hands and low ping will get almost everything.

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