[1.2.0] Lightning arrow bow ranger (3 Auras/ life based/ max dps/ good survivability)
Hey, I just did a few tweaks to this build, that I think give more for the same points:
Summary of what I did: I got rid of 3 of the 8% life nodes in the big life circle by scion to fill in one strength and two 12% life nodes by unwavering stance. Net bonus of 10 str. Next, if we assume that projectile damage is worth 2x as much as physical damage like you say wrt lightning arrow, I removed 3 life nodes in the small ring of life (8%ers) and one 8% projectile damage node and one 6% node to fill in the 3 bow damage and life and the heavy draw notable. Net change is -14% projectile damage to +36% physical damage and + stun duration. Technically, I think this should be a net bonus (36% / 2 = 18 vs 14)? If they are being multiplied somehow multiplicatively, I would also think this means a fair bit more dps. Unsure! If this is the case, then projectile damage multiplier was 213% and physical damage was 262% vs now 199% and 298% (I think unless I miscounted, I still haven't filled in every point as of yet?). Multiplying them out means your end mult is 5.58 vs 5.93 I do believe. AGAIN UNSURE. Other things I was toying with: There's 3 8% life nodes I'm thinking of removing. One to get the notable "Blood Drinker." Might be worth it depending on whether or not it helps with burst better than just having more buffer. 8% life vs 2% physical leech. Two to get the notable "celerity." Just a fan of movement speed for positioning. Here's the link: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIBAdEB5wR-FCAVIBXwGdUZ_hsBIXYk_SU_KLUppSo4Kk0s6TB8MZ4x-jIJMn4ylDMMNZI26DnUOlI6WD7PPydFlkp9SshMMk3jTipQR1FHVgRW-livWhpaUluvYIhhUmegapNsRm6qb_JybHRBdvd313gNfVt_An8rg9uGYIcZh3aI8Y19jX6SzZUFm42fy6CfoSKhpKJAplem4Kcwp9Somqluqn-quKxHrFmv67QatfK2Qbe2vea-p8APxKLKqc2Y0k3VANXt2cbajdwV3Q3exuHb4oDiy-dU52PqYuss9Pj5Y_xL_MX-K_6P_sj_3g== Tell me if I'm crazy or not; this is my first foray and these two things just stuck out at me like a sore thumb. Last edited by Wozbo#7466 on Jan 19, 2014, 2:49:41 PM
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Guys, I am back to playing this game :)
" good tip! " Honestly I have no idea. The easiest way would be to simply try both before skilling in. You can compare for example 1 projectile node to 1 phys node and see the difference before taking any of them. I am bored of reading mechanics threads anymore. I have done that once, and in my opinion a lot of information is missing or unclear. " bad ideas imho. You don't need life leech from the tree, you can get this from an amulet for example. Also celerity IS a nice node, but it's almost NEVER worth to get it except you directly cross it with your build. Spending 2 points to get there would be 20 dex + 8 movement speed for 3 nodes, so 6.67 dex + 2.67 movement speed per node. Kinda crappy. " good ring but limits you too much. You cannot use other rings...Also I am playing a variation of this build right now and I never have mana problems with 3% mana leech and 1 hybrid and 1 mana potion. I will get rid of these later on. " Yes why not? The most crucial piece of gear is a good 5-link bow with as much damage as you can find. Early on leveling I found a concentrated effect gem. So right now I am running rain of arrows, faster attacks, conc effect, phys proj dmg, added fire dmg. Later on I will switch. You must be flexible with whatever you find, or just trade everything what you want. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Jan 28, 2014, 9:34:02 AM
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" You are welcome. I would also suggest to use blood magic as of now over mana leech. It's just easier to pull off with lightning arrow and the auras make up for the loss of damage. One thing I'd also recommend is to drop the life leech gem and use a damage gem instead. You can do that if you got enough life leech on gear, e.g. amulets can have a lot. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
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Hi there. Been looking for a different skill tree since mine is lacking alot of life and armor.
Currently I have around 4000 life , nearly no armor and around 9k evasion but I'm at 5848 dps with GMP + Blood Magic. I hit around 10k with my auras + Frenzy and Power charges. My question if I decided to switch my build would I lose alot of damage? I don't want to respec and be doing 1/4th of my current damage. My Current Gear Main question is will I lose mass damage if I respec? WTB Map drops since 2013 Last edited by d2trust#2033 on Jan 28, 2014, 2:08:07 PM
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How can I know this?
You can use that POE tool and compare the total stats of both the builds, then you will probably have values which are not easily comparable (crit chance vs not as much crit but more phys dmg etc.). There is only one way to figure it out. GO FOR IT http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
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" Thats 100 regrets to waste. Can easily tell by showing what gear you have and posting up your dps. WTB Map drops since 2013
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@d2trust: that's not possible bec I didn't play this game for many months. I have just restarted and I am playing a variation of this build (pure phys). It's not comparable to LA in any way. We'll see how it turns out.
Edit: Split arrow seems to be the better choice on lower levels due to lower mana costs. Later on imho lightning arrow + chains is better. Posted my gear on page 1. http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Feb 4, 2014, 6:57:46 PM
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trying this build, look funny :)
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I've been running this for a couple weeks and it's going well. Still need a lot more DPS but just need to farm and level.
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I will be updating my crit version of this build at the end of the league.
http://tinyurl.com/ooety9v - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build Last edited by Dan1986#1261 on Feb 15, 2014, 7:36:05 AM
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