[1.2.0] Lightning arrow bow ranger (3 Auras/ life based/ max dps/ good survivability)
Your gem setup is wrong. Put a chain or fork instead of faster attack in your LA combo. And build a mono target combo with that faster attack gem, for example frenzy or burning arrow, faster attack, added fire damage, life leech.
And your other 3/4L combos are not built up either, look back at the 1st page for some advices here. Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... |
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@Panini_aux_olives i thank you very much, i see i ignored very basic thing :S
So i tried now and its big differnt! And during my short try run dropped a Chaos orb :D So thank you very much! |
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" Well off the bat, it doesn't seem like you're running hatred and you have definitely out grown that bow. Still feel scammed I can't have my Closed Beta Support Title anymore.
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What do you think of using for the build.
It would really help with mana considering the amount of times you hit, and you would be even more tanky with the life on hit. |
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I started a LA Ranger a Month ago. I followed the Beginners Guide but now at Lvl 70 i find the Damage somewhat lacking with LA sitting at around 900 DPS. Respeccing would be to expensive for me so i'm thinking of rerolling. So my Question, if i restart a new Ranger would my actual gear be ok for your build?
My Gear
The missing Gem in my Chest is a Faster Attack Gem which i'm currently leveling on my Marauder. Would the Gem Setup be ok? I would use the slots in my boots for auras. Also would some of my stuff from my Marauder suit the Ranger?
Marauder Gear
Thanks in Advance for your help! |
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" So I;m level 66 or so now. My gear isn't exactly good, but I can tell that you are definitely gonna need more leech than what you currently have. I've been using that crappy carnage heart and I've really been enjoying the 6% leech. And I've been using a mana leech gem with my Lightning, so I know I need to get some more manna leech on my gear. So now that I have gone back over my gear I would say 4% mana leech is like the bare min and 6 would be my min on life steal. And that's with hp pots. I think getting bonus mana is pretty important and is the main reason I want a Lion's Eye. Still feel scammed I can't have my Closed Beta Support Title anymore. Last edited by Eklypze#4934 on Jan 11, 2014, 2:23:45 AM
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" But the point is to use vaal pact,life potion is totally useless. LL and just shoot none stop til its all dead. I found myself dying when I panick and start running away while getting hit. So just gotta learn to stand still and keep spamming. |
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Hey, Dan.
Thanks for the build. I'm currently following it and having a pretty good time with it. Finally scored a Chain yesterday and replaced LMP (for now until I 6L my future Lioneye's). I've never used Chain before and I'm glad I'm using it now. So, thanks for that. Question for you: What do you think about using a Berek's Grip on this build and run Wrath and Hatred? I leveled an ST/CI/Dagger Crit build that used this gimmick. It's called Just the Tip on the Scion forum; also a very fun build. I was wondering if a similar concept like that could be used on this build, but instead be Life-based. Running Wrath and Hatred, constantly critting (also wearing a Maligaro's), and applying the shocks and chills would provide with added LLeech/MLeech. Lemme know if I'm just spouting nonsense :) |
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cute, but not working with crit build.
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So I used this guide on my first character a few weeks ago. It was hard plotting along to be honest and there were points when my dps just wasnt high enough to be enjoyable. Even though my gear seemed to be pretty good for my level. Im only at level 66 and starting endgame on this character (Ive also got a level 80 facebreaker, level 66 EK Scion, and a lvl 46 witch that Ive leveled since starting this character). Well, after a ton of regrets and trying several different approaches I can honestly say I am glad I stuck with it. I think that a lot of people that use this guide (myself in particular) really want to try to make it work without blood magic way too early on. I spent a fortune on mana leach gear and still found myself not doing enough damage to make it work. I also did not want to use passives on blood magic. I finally used blood magic gems and made up for the loss of dps with hatred and it is really nice. Here is my gear setup:
Id suggest that people give this a try instead of being stubborn. At least until they are a much higher level or have the gear with enough damage and mana to make it work. Otherwise you are gonna be frustrated. Again, thanks for the guide. I am having a good time with it. And finally here is a screenshot skinned up a bit:
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