All Ears Achievement Dialogue List and Lore (verified)
Is anyone interested in writing a complete guide from start to finish together? I mean one that tells you exactly when you have to talk to the NPCs, when you have to get a certain item, etc.?
Last edited by nyderic#3817 on Dec 16, 2013, 2:45:17 PM
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Sure, I'll mention what I found out:
- After entering the Chamber of Sins but before killing Fidelitas/collecting the gem, talk to Yeena about the Chamber. - Both Nessa and Bestel have Brutus dialogue that is only available from getting the Brutus quest to completing it. - Bestel has a Fairgraves dialogue after starting the Marooned Mariner, to which Fairgarves has a response. Both disappear after killing Fairgraves. - If finding Tolman before Clarissa, Grigor has a dialogue option about a very well-known character ;-) - After defeating Brutus and entering Prisoners' Gate, make sure to follow the road till Piety raises the barricade. otherwise you miss out on some dialogue in Lioneye's Watch and Forest Encampment. A sword he brought, his foes to maim and rend, from places dark behind forbidden doors, But night by night he woke with frighten'd roars from darkest dreams, too strange to comprehend. (Anonymous) Last edited by Thyrandor#4136 on Dec 18, 2013, 3:42:25 PM
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" No one asked to you get them all |
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maramoa mentions about sewer aqueduct when you enter it and come back to town.
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Have someone finished All Ears? At least someone? Just interesting ;p
I found some speach variations with bandits, don't know if they are counted. For example, first I go to Kraityn, have "Darkness" option and press "Help Kraityn". Then I leave map, return and have another option about my inactivity. Then I choose "I changed my mind" and go to 2 other bandits. Both of them are calling me Kraityn's servant or whatever. Then I agree to help one of them 2, and repeat the same like with Kraityn. Maybe it'll help. |
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First off - Thank you for this great resource!
I can confirm (I have visual confirmation of my dialogue total rising 171->172 in this case) that each bandit has 2 optional dialogues for 'The Darkness' - The first being when you trigger the seal and speak to each bandit, the second being when you defeat Vaal and lift the darkness. This also re-confirms that you must help each bandit once, as you have to finish that quest first in order to fight Vaal, and only one bandit can be left alive - thus only one can be talked to after the darkness has been lifted for the additional dialogue. I can also confirm that Eramir has 2 dialogues for each bandit (one 'death' dialogue and one 'last alive' dialogue). For Example, you kill Alira first and Eramir will talk about her being dead. Then you kill Kraityn, but Eramir will NOT have a 'death' dialogue for Kraityn, he instead will give you Oak's 'last alive' dialogue. Therefore: you must choose carefully in the order you kill the bandits - Alira, Kraityn, Oak - Oak, Alira, Kraityn - Kraityn, Oak, Alira (for exmaple). In turn this also confirms that completing the All Ears Achievement WILL require all three difficulty levels (at least until the end of Act 2). Last edited by MayaSarnn#5560 on Jan 16, 2014, 4:47:59 AM
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" Good question. I got every dialogue listed in OP's guide, including helping all 3 bandits, returning to town after every quest stage, and several variations in quest order, but only ended up with 182/190. The only other thing I can even think to try is getting quest items before starting their respective quests on one of your playthroughs. A few minor things to note: (Act I) - Captain Fairgraves' optional dialogue "The Real Fairgraves" is missable (if you don't talk to Bestel and return during the quest). (Act II) - Helena did not have an optional dialogue in town after saving her but before getting the Baleful gem. - For the bandit quest, you get "The Darkness" dialogue after Vaal from the bandit lord you helped, and an optional dialogue from Eramir for the first bandit lord you kill. So not only do you have to help 3 different bandits, but also kill a different bandit lord first each time and talk to Eramir before finishing the quest. I'm not 100% sure about the Eramir part, but I think that's how it works. (Act III) -Clarissa did not have an optional dialogue in Slums if Tolman's bracelet is in inventory (though Grigor/Hargan have new optional dialogues if you visit Tolman first). -Lady Dialla has an optional dialogue if you get the Thaumetic Sulphite first. Last edited by Cadex80#3848 on Jan 16, 2014, 11:17:08 PM
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This achievement is retarded. You make one mistake and complete a part of a quest without talking to an NPC first and you gotta start completely over?
I'll never even try to get this one. The sane way this achievement is normally written is to hear every piece of dialog period, not on just one character. As written now it's not an achievement so much as an exercise in OCD. Last edited by Zaqwert#4447 on Jan 19, 2014, 1:58:30 PM
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Rhys said:
"You will need multiple difficulties to get All Ears. Note that it's all optional dialogue. Most quest dialogue doesn't count. You'll still need to side with all three bandit lords, though (Eramir has no optional dialogue for helping him, but the bandits do)." But Eramir actually has an optionnal dialogue for killing all bandits. Just did a test character, helped oak and the extra dialogue with eramir was "Alira" after killing alira first. After i killed kaytrin i got "oak". With my other character whom i killed all bandits i get the "bandit lords" dialogue from eramir which i don't have with the character who helped oak.Greust "bandit lords" dialogue also has a different line with the character who killed all bandits. In addition Kaytrin had a particular speech that involved me helping oak and the fact alira was already dead... so i assume if i had killed him first Alira would also have this special dialogue ???. Does that mean i need to reset this quest at least 4 times since there is 7 different ways to do it with exta optional dialogues? 1 - help oak > kill alira > kill kaytrin 2 - help oak > kill kayrtrin > kill alira 3 - help alira > kill oak > kill kaytrin 4 - .... 5 - ... 6 -... 7 - kill all |
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I just did a run-through of this achievement. I found a couple that were impossible: these will be fixed soon.
Pelife123 is correct: you need to help all three bandit lords, but you also need to kill them all to help Eramir. This is only possible with judicious use of a bandit respec book. I will give y'all a hint that might speed this up for you: you can get 180/190 just by playing through Normal difficulty. The last 10 are from alternate quest routes and should be obvious once you have the first 180. (please wait for the patch that fixes the few impossible ones before spending too much time on this) Code warrior Last edited by Rhys#0000 on Jan 23, 2014, 6:11:06 AM