All Ears Achievement Dialogue List and Lore (verified)
I am continuing my run. Used a respec book to help eramir instead of oak, which rewarded as expected +1 dialogue, no more. I also found a piece of dialogue called Undead rhoas from Bestel, which I didn't have from my first two runs. It is listed in the OP, however it appears only if you go to submerged passage before entering(or finishing) fetid pool. Basically doing the quests linearly will make you miss that one. So I am at 185, expecting to be at 188 when I finish merci bandits.
My current hopes for the last 2 pieces are 1 called Eternal laboratory which only appears in merciless. And the other one from lady diala when carrying sulphite but not spool. I have done 2 items + talk to her, and none items + talk to her so far. Thx to above post. I am fully expecting it to fail :). My suggestions for this achievement are either separate the counters for each act or reset the counter for each new character made. The second one really makes sense because you need to complete it on a single character anyways - basically every time you attempt to complete it it should start from 0. |
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" mmh sounds good to me so far, good luck! So the dialogue "undead rhoas" is one of the ones from Act 1 that you get from doning things in in alternate order - good to know. | |
OP: "(possibly 1 optional in town after saving but before getting gem)"
Just tried this for the first time. Definitely did NOT increase my achievement progress. Sorry if someone already said this; not sure if OP is still updating or not. "playthrough 2: get the pike first and talk to him with only the pike in inventory" I happened to be at this part of the questline, as you can see above, and I happened to see your post, so I tried this. After saving Helena, I didn't get the Baleful Gem, and instead went to get Maligaro's Spike. I got it, then I talked to Eramir, but my achievement progress did not go up. Also, what he said sounded familiar. Is it supposed to be very different? Last edited by Geodew#5894 on Feb 6, 2014, 7:49:10 PM
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" I've done a lot of testing as well with regards to this. 1) About the busts, I think it's mentioned elsewhere in this thread. Hargan gives you different dialogue when returning the first bust only. He'll mention which bust it is, and which two areas you need to visit for the remaining ones. When you bring in the second he'll just mention that you need one more, so it's always the same. In other words, I can confirm that you get different dialog for returning the first bust in a different order, but I cannot confirm if it counts towards the achievement, nor have I tried turning in multiple busts. 2) I have done those as well, however, it's better to do spool only, sulphite only and none. Having both will give you the dialog for the two items in different dialog screens (I think, don't take my word for it). 3) Same as above. However, I didn't see any difference in doing so. My quest even changed to 'find the plum, etc' when I had both items in my inventory. I don't think there's any other dialog here. | |
failed at 189/190 as expected
can confirm 100% talking to diala with sulphite and no spool provides unique dialogue also that "eternal laboratory" dialogue does not count towards this achievement giving hargan a different bust first provides different dialogue, but it does not count towards achievement not touching this one again any time soon, gl to all who attempt it |
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Here's a couple I know of that are easy to miss. I don't know if they count though (GGG please change the counter for this to be based on individual characters instead of account-wide).
- Clarissa has a dialogue after you've found Tolman but don't have his bracelet. The quest seems to end with this dialogue, you can't give her the bracelet after this so there's no additional dialogue. - Lady Dialla speaks about Gravicious after you have killed him. |
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Yeah this achievement is f'ing stupid as hell.
It's an exercise in OCD/futility and ridiculous compared to all the other ones. |
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" I haven't done this, someone should check it out, might be the missing piece. Seems like the ones you can miss outside of the bandit triangle are arbitrary as f*ck. |
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" Damn, this really sucks.. Thanks for your insights though. What did you do with your questing in Act II with regards to the Gem and Spike? | |
" Normal got helena first with the idea that she could have dialogue that won't be there if you already finished quests Exactly - go chamber sins1, town, go sins3, kill boss, talk to girl, get gem, talk again, drop gem, go to town, get gem, go to town again. The "drop gem" step was pointless - didn't get any hidden dialogue. Then silk gives you spike quest - go to weavers, town, kill weaver, town, get spike, town again. Going to town without spike was useless, no hidden dialogue there. Cruel The exact same thing in reverse. Didn't get any different options. On both runs helena had a talk about maligaros spike, even when she is not rescued when you get it. On merci I did sins, weaver and then straight to oak. Again no differences. |
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