So with remote mine support gem you will get more damage for the minions, but with trap and sunblast belt, you will get even MORE damage. Yep, you guesssed, with trap + remote mine + sunblast you can get the most damage from zombies than with any other gems. Last edited by Jplays#7836 on Jan 10, 2014, 4:10:50 AM
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I used this build for quite some time now and i wonder what you guys use in your chest piece after you get all the spectres? Since you only need the top left spot for the Raise Spectre Gem you have a 4L/5L to spare.
I use a classic CwdT+MoltenShell+DecoyTotem+Enfeeble. With Cwdt lower than raise spectre so it will not be triggered. Are there any better combinations or usefull stuff to support the Minions maybe? Any ideas? |
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Sam, I am LOVING your guide so far!!
I haven't been able to afford the Tabula Rasa yet, so I'm running with the gear I've got. I've strayed from the build a bit to compensate. The support gems & auras are a bit different but I hope to eventually run as per the original guide. Here's an overview of the adaptations I've made to accommodate my 5L-chest & level 16/17 gems: Summary of Changes: *Different Auras - specifically I am running Hatred and not Determination *Different Gems - for my specters, I use my 5L- BBBGG chest w/ Added Cold & Faster Attacks *Specters: Two Burning Miscerations and One Tentacle Miscreation Disclaimer: I play in the Domination league, and these changes definitely are not suited to hardcore (imho). Background Stuff
The first character that I leveled was a spectral-throw/double-strike ranger, and I swear I was getting a shoulder cramp from spamming my spectral throw button so hard. She was a kill-them-before-they-kill-you type of character. I managed to get her to level 70, but playing her is pretty intense with the constant trying-not-to-die. My goal for my next character was to find something very laid back... even boring to play so that I could divert some of my attention to streaming movies/tv shows on my other monitor. I tried a spork witch, and it was going fairly well until I hit merciless act 3. Then stuff is simply dying too slowly. Her build definitely has issues and could be improved, but I don't have the currency to gear her. For my third character I figured I'd give Sam's build a try since it was VERY well laid out. I play on domination, so survival, while important, isn't my top priority. My top priority is the laid-back play style. Passives (same as Sam's build... next point will be in Grave Intentions):
Next point taken will be Grave Intentions for +1 Zombies Then +10 Int & 5% reduced Mana Reservation, so I can hopefully run Purity of Elements instead of Purity of Fire (see auras). Auras:
Hatred Vitality Grace Purity of Fire Running these four auras currently takes up essentially all my mana. Hatred makes a HUGE difference in clear speed. With it, packs kinda just melt. Without it, I'm pretty much waiting for my zombies to bash things down. I don't have cold snap, but I'm leveling some of the gems to add that in later. I'll probably test out cold snap w/ determination vs hatred at some point. As far as minion survivability, it's not bad. I very rarely have to resummon more than a single zombie per clear. I take down Kole just fine using health potions for extra healing, keeping temporal chains up and hit him with arc.... and skeleton fodder. If I'm not paying attention the Animated Guardian will sometimes die, so I'm still raising it out of random yellow-drops instead of uniques. I tried running Grace, Determination & Purity of Elements and my dps totally sucked, even when spamming arc. Gem Setup for Summoning:
Zombies: Raise Zombie + Added Fire + Minion Life + Minion & Totem Ele. Resis. Chest (5L): Raise Spectre + Minion Life + Minion & Totem Ele. Resis. + Added Cold Damage + Faster Attacks I raise two Burning Miscreations and one Tentacle Miscreation. This combo seems to work well. Gear (Same gear for summoning and Farming.)
Some of the gems are just in there for xp gain, such as the Increased AoE & Added Fire in the chest piece. My offset gear is the Aurumvorax & Saffell's Frame, and they're leveling my Remote Mine, Cold Penetration, Spell Totem, Item Rarity, Determination and another Reduced Mana. The plan is that once I've got the tabula rasa and a horde of chromatics I'll swap things around and use the Aurumvorax/Saffell's and see how things go with Piety. So in writing this I found one thing I should fix... When I get home I'll swap my L17 Reduced Mana into my Queen's Decree since I'm running the 3-auras connected to it, and put the L16 with the Grace. *facepalm* Strategy:
Don't hug Kole. Let the minions do that. Use summon skeletons to pull large groups of mobs. Avoid getting warped on by lightning miscreations. Hit minion healing pots from time to time, just to make sure they're happy. The pots refill SUPER fast, so no need to conserve them. Cast Temporal Chains on large groups. Cast arc... just hold the button down if it's a big group or stubborn yellow mob. Enjoy whatever show I'm watching on my other monitor! Thank you soooo much Sam for your guide. It's by far my favorite build so far. |
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Should animate guardian be linked with any gems? Does he even benefit from gems like Minion Life? Thanks! he does benefit from all the support gems, link him with minion life @Stuhr whats the point of zombies + trap? i dont rly get it damage bonus @mayleth not bad bro, always good to see re-invent themselves :) @Sampudrinker
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I'm pretty new to Poe, do I understand this right :
I use the Animate Guardian Gem with only one Link (minion life) on those Items you posted and when I stop playing and and rejoin another day the Guardian is still active. But when it dies all the Items used to create it are gone forever and I have to rebuy them? Just to clarify, not that I use some chaos for nothing. Oh, and how do I make sure that the Guardian doesn't die ? Is it neaerly impossible with my Auras + the Items ? Thx :) |
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" It can die if you are not careful. Seems that the Animate Guardian have larger aggro range than other minions and sometimes I notice my guardian being alone bashing some mobs. Today my lvl 17 guardian died but I did not notice where or when. Just noticed after the springs map that my guardian was gone. :D Could be that corpse explosion boss in there just bulldozed my guardian. Well, have to learn and adapt. |
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100% correct @Sampudrinker
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Whelp, I've been told that summoner snapshotting has been already removed on test servers at the moment. I guess it's time to brew up something else for the next league ;)
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" Summoner builds are still viable without snapshotting and are probably going to remain some of the best solo farming options. | |
I am having some ridiculous trouble with this build:
Level 55 Scion - Gear
My main chest is with my friend right now. I just got to Act 2 Merciless (Got 7 zombies from Ledge, and 4 Burned Miscreation Spectres from Cruel Lunaris (2 Concentrated/2 Increased AoE)). They will run around like idiots for a bit before casting their UF auras. When they do, that's when things melt. However, they still die really fast. Is there anything I should be doing differently? How do I get them to use UF more often? And when I use the Mine with Spectre, sometimes, detonating the mine does not spawn the Spectre. |
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