updated, keep the questions coming, feel free to tune in for some random (smack-) talk or hardcore nerd-talk tomorrow!
@Sampudrinker Stream: Last edited by tehosiris#3518 on Nov 15, 2013, 2:41:55 PM
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Last edited by nyash#2006 on Nov 15, 2013, 5:10:00 PM
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i'm currenlty thinking about replacing minion damage gem with enhance. on lvl 3 (which is +20% active gem qualities) it will give you another +20% zombie MS and +20% increased zombie life. lvl 22 zombie is 8k life, then 70% + 20% (q20) + 45-48% (minion life) +20% (enhance lvl3) ~= 20.5k life
upd: from the other hand, empower can also be an option: zombiez lvl 24 will probably have around 10k life before any life bonuses, then +70%(passive) + 20% (q20) + 45-48% (minion life) ~= 23.5k (25.5k with ehnance + empower) life? |
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What would you change about this build if you were playing it on Domination?
IGNs: Jaymax | Jayrat | Jayhoon | Jayheen
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the math is incorrect, but i might eventually go empower myself (gem still leveling) @LoBlaze i wouldn't change anything for domination, there is no way to make the MBs do more damage or have more life at the moment, except for taking the Witch minion nodes at Lord of the Dead, but it takes ~15passive points. @Sampudrinker
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I'm currently levelling a summoner and I'm stumped.
My character is level 53 at Merciless. The problem is that my infernal blow is not strong enough to do efficient Ledge runs, while my minions are too weak and die too quickly before doing sufficient damage, even when supported with Purity and Vitality. My minion gems are: Should I return to farming docks on Cruel (which is not an option for me due to the mind-numbing tedium of the process) or is there some way at this level to transition into a more or less self-reliant summoner? |
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first of all, as long as your minion gems aren't ~level 15, they are next to being useless if you insist on using them exclusively earlyer then suggested, i recommend linking the Zombies with minion life AND resists, either in the Matua or a +2 Minion helmet drop the malachai's simula, and run grace + purity (hopefully you have iron reflexes by now) what CAN be done is putting on a pair of Bones of Ullr, and run with 3 of your flame sentinels, they WILL die, but at least their dps will be sufficent to clear merciless ledge if you havent, go for the aura reserve reduction passives and start running vitality as soon as possible as your third aura, combined with the 'of Animation' flasks it should be sufficent to keep your army up. all in all, leveling is mind-numbing, you have to deal with it eventually, no matter what, i still DO recommend facebreakers + meginords and stacking physical damage on your rings + preferably gloves! good luck @Sampudrinker Stream: Last edited by tehosiris#3518 on Nov 16, 2013, 5:07:45 AM
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Thanks for this great thread ! I was a fan long time ago of your titi bitch build, and i am going to try this build too. I played summoner to early too (lvl 32) but actualy with vitality + 2 flask of animation + rejuvenation totem, i can keep my spectres alive a long time (except when 5 blue voidbearers comes and kill all minions ;) but who cares ? just have to kill them and use raise specters on corpses). I saw that you are using 2 burned miscreation, just for the case of one will die. But in the idea of the build, why not still using one, and take a bear from waterfall cave ? You know, those ones who uses chaos degen aura. |
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On a single target, a Bear and a Miscreation does more dps, but in general having two miscreations means they cover up more space, if you saw the vod, i'm constantly sprinting forward, if one of them is left behind the other one usually ports to me. Sadly, the degen bears don't do any noticable dps, at least compared to Miscreations they are useless. Glad you like my builds, big ups, good luck with leveling! :) @Sampudrinker Stream: Last edited by tehosiris#3518 on Nov 16, 2013, 10:44:01 AM
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ok thx for your quick answer ;p
I am lvl 40 atm, starting cruel. Things become a bit harder, i will have to change rejuvenation totem for a spell totem + summon skeletons...Just bought a tabula rasa to increase my Flame sentinel. Can you give me advices about a 6L flame sentinnel chest ? What should i put in priority ? |
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