@marbor84 swapping weapon drops me below cap resists, i'd rather not risk it on piety
@facebreakers yes you should use phys damage items, i recommended meginord's in my guide @Sampudrinker
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Very interesting :D
*People with any semblance of intelligence don't watch an entire season of a TV show just to see if it's any good lol* |
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First off, thanks for this build tehosiris! I started out trying an aura build that used spectral throw, and though it was super tanky, the dps was very poor. I found your build a few days ago, and since my tree was already very similar to yours, decided to use a few regrets and give it a go. My minions are just starting to take off as I'm only lvl 62, but thus far its been wonderful and saved a character that I thought I'd have to shelf.
I did have a possible suggestion however that I'd like share. Now that Vitality only costs 40%, its possible to run 4 auras and still have enough mana to cast if you take EB. Reduction -41% from passives -29% from reduced mana gem 60% * .59 * .71 = 25.1% 40% * .59 * .71 = 16.7% So to run Vitality, Purity, Grace, and Determination: 25% * 2 = 50% 17% * 2 = 24% 50% + 34% = 84% So we can now run all four of the important auras and still have 16% mana remaining. With EB it would be very easy to have enough left over to cast all of our spells on mana. Lets assume we would need around 250 mana unreserved. 250 / .16 = 1562 mana So if we can reach ~1500 mana (trivial with EB), we could save 4 gem slots worth of blood magic, and either add more supports to our minions, or more utility spells. I realize that we would probably need clarity as well however, and since we wouldn't likely have mana for it, we would have to put it on our hp. Even running a high lvl of clarity with all of our reduced mana reservation however would only cost around 150 hp or so. I'm not sure if the extra gem slots and support would be worth the 4 point investment for EB however. What do you think? Last edited by Cooley#4485 on Nov 13, 2013, 11:24:57 AM
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yes i did play around with the numbers myself, right now i have around 80 unreserved mana, might aswell be zero. on the other hand, the regen from vitality is more then enough to counteract the bloodmagic curses / arc / cold snaps, i wouldnt bother getting that much mana myself if you run no regen maps, just pop a devouring totem, all your troubles are solved @Sampudrinker Stream: Last edited by tehosiris#3518 on Nov 13, 2013, 11:56:30 AM
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Yeah well for my suggestion to work you would obviously have to change out the four hp and regen nodes at the Scion start into the mana ones. You would likely have to take EB as well. After thinking about it again, and taking map mods into consideration, I think you may have been right to blood magic everything. There aren't really anymore amazing supports for the miscreations, and dealing with mana can be a pain on half/no-regen maps.
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uptaded for 1.0.1 also my mf gear improved quite a lot
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I was looking at your MF gear today (jelly of your life/mf/res ring + andy btw =p) and I was wondering how you have max lightning and cold resistance? I didn't see any lightning or cold resistance on your gear. Any good finds today?
Last edited by ViRuS171#0493 on Nov 13, 2013, 6:49:31 PM
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Question: is there a trick to getting your specteres to activate their aura? I cant count how many times they die because they wont even activate it, very frustrating.
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" He has tips at the bottom of his guide. The key is to put them in battle then run them away a little (disengage them) but still stay semi close to the monsters. It takes awhile to get used to but is fairly easy to get them to turn it on after some practice with that strategy. |
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Awesome, I must have missed that part. I appreciate it.
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