Boss damage in Orchard Map

To be honest GGG devs are retarded and all chars that died there at the boss should be rezzed.

If they think am rude so be it, but trashing people's effort on purpose cause they're fucking incompetent is a problem, and that incompetence is recurrent.

One should not have to go all over the internet to discover every tiny detail beforehand in order to play the game, and that boss killed so many unsuspecting people who were superbly geared and vastly out-leveled the map level (OS style baby).

Truly, this is a prime example as to why I'll fuck off to D3. One can still understand why Desynch may be linked to coding (and the unexpected success of the game, though am no expert there), much less so that mentally challenged developers dare release something like that.

An illustration:

A player enjoy to discover thing on his own.

At lvl 70-75, after spending much currencies he is very well-geared, and feels ready to tackle little maps relatively safely. --> BOUM GO FUCK YOURSELF PLAYING CUNT, WE OWNED YOU ONE SHOT!

Now go fuck off and pay us for wasting your time.


And people still defend them... fanboism at its best.
You can dodge every one of the fireballs, both fast and slow ones. The boss has a very long cast time on them. It looks like he is doing nothing, but in truth he is casting those spells. The mechanic is very similar to the Vaal boss on act 2. When the devourer turns towards you, you move a bit and he won't follow you. Instead he casts his fireballs, which will miss. Just repeat this until he dies.

I have a feeling he only goes underground when you are far away from him. When you are on melee range, he usually stays above ground casting his spells. (or whacking you around with his hands)
At least they could include some warning signs where he will appear from the underground. Some cracks in the earth or whatever. As Ranged fighter/caster you usualy can't be close to the Boss in melee range.
It was pure luck that my Summoner Witch survived when I first ever meet the boss. Fireballs every second, he turns instantly towards you. The instant appearing from ground didn't make it better.
why this thread?

GGG gives a shit about you guys TOPKEK.
These players expect their char can just stand still and facetank everything huh?

The boss in orchard hit hard, but so predictable and easy to dodge. If you take 1 hit just circle around and heal back up. If you know the boss fight and you still suck at it then it is your own problem.

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