[1.1.0] Ghore's Immortal Incinerate Regen Tank (EB + Mind over Matter/Max Block/Max AA)
Thats a nice no dmg build, but .. where is is sense playing a no dmg build?
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" This build has decent damage when you combine incin with all of the reflected damage from TS and anvil. I can tell by looking at your characters that you don't play hardcore so I feel that you aren't able to fully appreciate a defensive build, so what I say may be lost in translation. Since most players on the dumping grounds (read: standard) have all the gear they'll ever need (and the fact there is not much of a penalty for dying) it is fairly logical to say that the only builds you should be doing are high dps glass cannon builds. But not everyone plays on the dumping grounds... While useful on softcore, tank builds are mostly aimed towards hardcore players. As in hardcore what matters is staying alive, not how fast you clear things. As eventually everything will die as long as you are still living to kill it. But even then, why should all players be forced to play high dps glass cannon builds? Maybe some people like bringing utility to a group. Maybe others like having a character that doesn't oneshot themselves on reflect. Or some that actually like being able to do extremely hard rolled maps just for the sake of doing them. Or perhaps some people don't want to invest an extreme amount of currency into one character. The list goes on, man... Just because others are playing differently from what your perceived "best" way to play is, doesn't mean they've no sense or are wrong. IGN: Ghured
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Just to be clear, I think a fun exercise for even hardcore builds is to see how 'big' you can go. How much damage you can get while still being survivable is one exercise, but just seeing how tanky you can get while still being able to clear content is another good one. The more damage you go for, (in my opinion) the more on your toes you'll need to play. With a build like this one, you need to watch out for a couple specific issues, but you can handle almost anything else.
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" is what you expect from a player of softcore league This world is an illusion, exile!
Totems for life! |
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" Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I certainty love pushing the risk versus reward aspect in terms of damage versus survivability in a hardcore setting. It definitely gets the blood flowing. IGN: Ghured Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Dec 9, 2013, 7:29:42 PM
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I am from Domination league and that "no damage build" is just mad... i have 1k dps with 3k life, all resis capped and good % of chaos resistance.
I can farm very well on maps, dominus, piety... (my max max was 72 because i don't have more higuer than that) and the most important is that im doing maps SOLO, i am the one that receive ALL THE DAMAGE, and i never have problems with my life ^^ (Only with orchand and museum maps boss, that is insane -.-) | |
" We are speaking about Path of Exile. I can not see in your thread title "hardcore guide". You build sucks hardly. You may hide bihind reasons like: 1. Hardcore viable 2. N00b friendly 3. Something new to try out or anything else. This all changes NOTHING to the fact, you build sucks. There are aproximately 789356 better builds on these forums. But, lets let emotions aside. Lets look at the fact: Your build seems to be a pure DEF build. To go DEF, you have much more, much cheaper possibilities to build ur char. So, why this extreme effort to reach such a primitive goal as not to die? Just put ALL passives into life+regen + use life leech + max block. Why do you write a build guide? Do you think you are smarter than other peoples out there? I doubt that hardly. ░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ Il███████████████████]. ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤.. Last edited by bersi23#1195 on Dec 10, 2013, 8:25:07 AM
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" I smell rage. Honestly you still haven't explained WHY the build sucks badly. Oh, and max block+life+regen is what this build does. I guess you cannot even read, then. Last edited by w00tzor#0565 on Dec 10, 2013, 9:44:50 AM
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" I' m currently playing that build with my level 84 templar, this is one of the best defensive build i have seen so far , requires cheap item to works and is very versatile, you don' t know what you're talking. IGN: crazyjake, ,BadAndAngry
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" It's an understood thing that any defensive or tank build is aimed towards hardcore. There's no need to put it in the title. Anyone with some sense will see the pillars of the build and immediately know it leans towards HC. But even then it's more than suitable on any league. If there are nearly Eight hundred thousand better builds then it should be easy to name... let's say: 30? What about 20? That sounds completely reasonable to me. It's fairly ironic I think, you talk about setting emotions aside when it's pretty clear that you're mad about something. What that may be is completely unknown to me. Yes this is a defensive build. I know I know, it's a lot to wrap your head around: some people actually like to play a build that isn't a pure DPS glass cannon build. This is a very cheap build to do, the only unique that you really need is Cybils Paw. Anvil plays a big part but even then when you strip it to it's core all it needs is cybils paw. I don't think that a build requiring one unique to at least function is an "extreme effort." Neither do I think that making a build that is very hard to kill is a "primitive goal". That is however one of the main goals of....well everyone in a hardcore league. But as I said in my previous post, you don't play HC so I do not feel that you're able to fully appreciate a defensive build. Even considering the build in the context of SC, this is easily a build you could take to 100 because a lot of glass cannon builds tend to die often and can only progress to late 80s or early 90s at best. The 10% loss is pretty detrimental when it takes a large portion of an evening to get that 10%. I wrote this guide because I simply wanted to share it with other people. I thoroughly enjoyed the build so I figured some others would enjoy it too, and saw where no one else had posted a similar build. So I figured why not? What are you doubting? That I think that I'm smarter than others? or that I am smarter than others? Because if it's the former then you're correct. I do not think I am smarter than most people. IGN: Ghured
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