[1.0.5] Pohx's 1181% Crit Multi Conduit Solo/Party Trapper [Nemesis] Vids Included

KaXXoR wrote:
KaXXoR wrote:
What is your opinion on alpha howl ? I noticed that you had it on your previous trapper but not anymore.
Is the +2aura and the "cannot be frozen" really worth it (especially if i go for Influence) at the cost of life and more resist ?

I'd like to have your opinion on that :)

Yep, it's a really good helmet, gives insane eva which goes into armor, the +2 to auras also will grant you more eva/armor, I would say it's worth the bit of health loss

The current build doesn't use it due to the lack of resists
Pohx wrote:
Will Be Taking a Short Break From PoE ( 1 Week )

Updates Will Prob be stopped during this 1 Week Period. However, the Youtube & Streaming will still continue.

Feel Free To Ask Any Questions, i'm still here to answer

PoE Streaming Resumes On 12/30/2013

Out of curiosity what are you streaming instead for the next week?
drstu wrote:
Pohx wrote:
Will Be Taking a Short Break From PoE ( 1 Week )

Updates Will Prob be stopped during this 1 Week Period. However, the Youtube & Streaming will still continue.

Feel Free To Ask Any Questions, i'm still here to answer

PoE Streaming Resumes On 12/30/2013

Out of curiosity what are you streaming instead for the next week?

Warcraft 3 Custom RPG maps

Borderlands 2

Possibly some Diablo 2

Just things I can always bounce back to
Love your guide, so helpfull. Currently leveling as ST running @ 55 with very low budget so I was wondering should I go into non-crit version first and then spec to crit build? Would like to be able to solo atleast with semi-good speed.
Matkja wrote:
Love your guide, so helpfull. Currently leveling as ST running @ 55 with very low budget so I was wondering should I go into non-crit version first and then spec to crit build? Would like to be able to solo atleast with semi-good speed.

Yep, I would definitely go with non crit trapper then transition later
For Those of you who have been asking,

Yes I will Be Participating In The 1 Week Race, I will be Streaming All Content From It.
For those of you who are new to the game it would be a great opportunity to Tune in and watch how you start from Nothing & Build Wealth.

Also for players who always ask about self found & Those who meet Stat Requirements/Mana issues or when to Trap certain skills, this is another great opportunity for you all to tune onto the Live Stream & Ask any questions you Might possibly have!

Live Stream: Twitch.tv/Pohx
How much did you pay for a crit dagger and the crit amulet? Like 5ex total?

Nicely and well written.. Thanks, does accuracy have anything to do with traps? there are trapper builds with high accuracy ratings whereas youve got none
ganjamain wrote:

Nicely and well written.. Thanks, does accuracy have anything to do with traps? there are trapper builds with high accuracy ratings whereas youve got none

Traps Require no Accuracy
hey pohx,

do you not use ethereal knives in your crit trapper build?

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