Kripp's 2H Phys Sword Spectral Thrower
" I've settled for a level 8 cwdt with level 7 warlord's for more charge generation/leech, and I'm gonna level devouring totem and molten shell to 18 or so and be under the 45-level limit of cwdt. Even though I do my best to avoid death, I'm playing standard so I'm probably not doing the optimal things for survival, so there may be a better setup if enfeeble and decoy totem are ideal. IGNs: WuTangSlammer / PacBlood / VirtuousVice / TheGravelPit
GMT-7/UTC-8 |
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" So is this a legit build then? Seems lacking in life nodes from what I glimpsed. Then again I was on my iPhone so it was a little, well, scrunched. hi ezra
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" well he isnt on HC so guess he isnt as focused on life as some others running HC Whisper @joceninja
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" like the other guy said its a solid build but it can be tuned a bit just read a bit cant expect ppl to do the work for u everytime Whisper @joceninja
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This sword is good for SP ? or the elemental dps, spoils it?
412 dps SC legues V Last edited by zaregu#4605 on Dec 2, 2013, 5:21:03 AM
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" Well, I get all the easily accessible life nodes. Early game you have only the ranger life nodes, the 3x8% ones in its area, and the 18% node near the duelist as the most easily accessible. You can rush towards the middle if you need a lot of life, or just work to the southern duelist life nodes if you're going straight for completing the build like I did. Lategame, I transcribed my lvl 75 build to poebuilder: And I have 198% max life (level 75) without going out of my way for anything. I prioritized berzerking over the large center life wheel around late 60s-early 70s, but it's fine if you get the life wheel earlier. Either way you have a lot of room for hp growth if that's what you need, you just sacrifice the other sword damage nodes. I'm sure if you've got the respec for it you can get a lot more life early and respec into the general build later to make it better for HC, but I don't play HC. Either way, I don't think it seriously lacks life nodes, and if it falls short at some point, I think the tree is flexible enough to make up for it with respecs. IGNs: WuTangSlammer / PacBlood / VirtuousVice / TheGravelPit
GMT-7/UTC-8 |
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Well, I've been hunting and hunting for a good 2H Nemesis ST Ranger build and haven't really found one. I've been tinkering with the tree myself, but I just don't feel like I'm at that point where I can build well enough yet so I just feel like I'm wasting my time. hi ezra Last edited by Iconik#7138 on Dec 2, 2013, 11:38:19 PM
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I recently got this 2h axe drop around lvl 54 in act 2 Merciless. I decided to switch my build to revolve around using this and at lvl 60 this is my tree. and the rest of my gear, which isn't optimal, but I have all 75% resists (lacking chaos though). Any tips on helping with an Axe oriented build would be helpful. I definitely want to finish Beserking first because the attack speed is really lacking. Also, I'm going to go for a 5 link with another red or green socket on the weapon hopefully. Last edited by ReapsDeeps#5742 on Dec 4, 2013, 12:06:19 AM
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I have 3600 hp
75 resist in all 7600 armour 18k dps with double strike with hatred 21k and im still having a hard time with low level maps bosses im only using warlords mark at the moment. I got about 13% life leech something im doing wrong with this build, I haven't had the money enough to colour my armour to use more buffs so that what I can do right now |
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" I'm not an expert but you seriously need molten shell and enduring cry with that CWDT. You already have 4L one piece of your armour to achieve that and it will be a life changer for you. Last edited by anone#5619 on Dec 4, 2013, 10:25:52 AM
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