Spectral Throw | Leap Slam Scion [VIDEO]

***Leveling Update in post #2 for 10/28/13*** Lighting Strike ^_^

This is to help newer players. I do not take credit for original creation and theory crafting of this build, I'm simply putting it all together for those like myself who wish to try a leap slam / spectral throw Scion.

Open tabs to see links.

Play style:
2Hander Life Based Melee, Use leap slam for mobility and gap closing, while multiple spectral throws pummel enemies and follow you from leap to leap. While getting hit you will proc chances to get molten shield, enduring cry, other buffs!

Passives (I put the passives together for final 1.0 version)

Video of gameplay

Main Skill:
Spectral Throw (New scion ability)
Based heavily on weapon damage, not a spell or melee attack it is a PROJECTILE based on weapon damage... Also: Why 2H? More base physical damage, also, larger weapons hit more targets.
Support Gems:
Greater Mult Proj
Faster Attack
Weap Elemental Dmg
Added Fire Dmg
(Life Leech, or Chance to Flee for 6th link)
Other attack: Leap Slam

Defensive Abilities / Cast on Damage Taken (When you are hit it casts them for you)
Cast on Damage Taken + Enduring Cry + Immortal Call + Molten Shell
Endurance Charges in build thus enduring cry.

Keynodes worth noting:
Resolute Technique, (not crit nodes)
Iron Grip
Mind over Matter
Eldritch Battery

Bandit Rewards
Oak Oak Oak (40HP, 18% Phys Dmg!!!! must have, and +1 End Charge (with enduring cry)


Clarity would be nice at higher levels, with new reserve amts, im lvl 30+ and not using any.

I started down to iron grip worked my way over to master of the arena and acceleration, and the mana nodes, (level 26-30ish) then I started back up top by the base, and took a few AS nodes, I wouldnt take Mind over Matter or Eldritch til last.. after a few AS start heading West.

Once again this guide is a reference point/tool, a general idea of what works and what doesn't and a nice build. It doesn't mean I am a spectral throw expert and that this build is godly. I like it so far!

If you are looking for a guild on Domination, add DeathOnWings (IGN) and whisper me if you are interested in running maps/pvp and USE VENTRILO. We have a guild ventrilo and will be adding guild stash, etc.

P.S. PLEASE CHECK OUT, BUMP, +1 MY RARE / WORLD BOSS TOPIC http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/561203

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Last edited by CrownOfThorns#7528 on Oct 29, 2013, 2:34:52 PM
UPDATE**** 10/28/13 - Leveling Info
I am currently level 44 (Have been working a lot) (1137 HP, 120 ES... 704 MANA)

I find Lightning Strike still syngergizes with this build well. I have a pretty kick ass weapon but at level 43:

Lighting Strike> Curse On Hit> Temporal Chains > Life Steal
1008.93 DPS (awesome for single target/3 target packs, ls and cursing)

Spectral Throw > Faster Projectiles > Lesser Multiple Projectiles > Added Fire Damage
598.7 DPS (throws 3, can shotgun)

Right now I'm not focusing on end charges/shouts/cast when damage taken..

Anyway, this build so far is an absolute beast, I love Lightning Strike/Curse/LS combo.
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Last edited by CrownOfThorns#7528 on Oct 28, 2013, 9:21:33 AM
First, what nodes have been confirmed to increase dmg?

Secondly, I believe that projectile dmg. works. This build avoids it. Also pure phys dmg and phys dmg with a specific melee weapon.
The scion and the core of this build has access to a shi*load of mana and regen. Points spent for Eldritch battery without attempting auras seem like overkill when much more of the manaproduction could be pushed into mana from regen and leech.
You forgot to take unwavering stance. It's 2 nodes away.
First, what nodes have been confirmed to increase dmg?

Secondly, I believe that projectile dmg. works. This build avoids it. Also pure phys dmg and phys dmg with a specific melee weapon.
The scion and the core of this build has access to a shi*load of mana and regen. Points spent for Eldritch battery without attempting auras seem like overkill when much more of the manaproduction could be pushed into mana from regen and leech.

It takes the initial projectile damage nodes near the tree, but it does focus on phys dmg / 2h damage.

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Does Scion get LMP as a quest reward?

And wouldnt Point Blank be really well worth it?
Last edited by return33#2156 on Oct 23, 2013, 1:02:48 PM
I thought it was confirmed that melee physical doesn't effect spectral throw?
takeiteasy1 wrote:
I thought it was confirmed that melee physical doesn't effect spectral throw?

You are correct, I just tested it before the servers went belly up. I took the 12% Melee Phys node off the Scion start area and it had no effect on Spectral Throw.
Going to go for this one! On nemesis, never played HC before! GL HF GG
what bandit rewards to take?

i was thinking saving oak for all difficulty

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