Saint Vitus: Physical crit ranger guide[Always Updated]

My physical ranger is clearing content up to lvl69 maps just fine, solo. I only felt that my damage output is not completely dominating in lvl68+ maps, everything before that is kneeling over few seconds after it comes to my sight.

I do not have very good comparison to other classes or builds because I only played ranger in CB and OB. I have elemental bow marauder in working but it is only lvl58 at the moment.

I only face 2 issues on my ranger. I lack survivability a bit, partially due to glassy build and partially due to gear. My 2nd and more prevalent issue is physical damage reflect. This single monster mod is preventing me from further growing my power. Physical damage ranger's power is coming from critical hits, which in turn are absolutely deadly when facing physical damage reflect.

Some figures for power comparison, keep in mind my gear is nowhere near perfect. I also spend most of my time in IR/IQ gear for farming:

Frenzy DPS : 3200/8300/10900
+Added Fire damage+Faster Attacks+Increased Critical Damage+Increased Rarity/Increased Critical Strikes
Split Arrow DPS - Piercing build : 2300/3300/4000
+Added Fire damage+Faster Attacks+Pierce
I just wanted to react to all those LA rangers that are lately contributing to this thread.

I personaly love my (Victors) physical ranger, its exciting and fun to play - kiting, using decoy totem with RoA at best spots, luring boss into bear trap that almost oneshots him.

I really, really dont understand how can anyone complain that he has to kite mods nad using orbwalking (how is it called in League of legends) to survive; maybe its because i spend more then a year playing ad carry in LoL and kiting is my daily bread but its what makes game funny and entertaining for me.

Im sorry but standing in the door and spaming LA which has absolutely laggish animation and totally annoying sound - making you unable to even recognice if the target still lives or not, so you spam your LA for another 10s for good mesures? - that is so lame and noobish i dont even know what more to say about it...

There are no doubts some power spikes in LA build, but I take it as there is no doubt its going live like this, before open beta ends, elemental dmg is either going down or physical up. And I dont mind waiting.

The issue with dmg reflect i think is an issue only for elemental builds, because as I explained above, only them spam their skills and kill mobs BRAINLESSLY so they can miss there is some dmg reflect mob. I dont see that happening to me; and as Victor advices, just switch for second bow where you have fire arrow or iceshot - it does ele dmg based on physical - so dps wont be that bad...

As it is for complains that plp feel weak and underpowered. Maybe you fail your build - maybe you skipped all max hp in victors build and went right for the crit, maz be your gear sucks; but Im lvl 65, just finished a3 merciless and i feel everything but weak and underpowered.
I have 8200 armor, maxed resists, almost 1700 hp and 4.2k dps with frenzy with like 20% chance to crit...

Thank you SaintVitus for this build, I follow this build from lvl 1 and I still love it.
Denny you make a decent post. You say you steamroll everything, but you are yet to show your gear.

For all we know ur mother payed 1000$ for your gear, and thats why
Last edited by Beardlas#4993 on Mar 9, 2013, 3:54:42 AM
Did the new patch effect this build at all because of the duelist changes?
Beardlas wrote:
Denny you make a decent post. You say you steamroll everything, but you are yet to show your gear.

For all we know ur mother payed 1000$ for your gear, and thats why

If I only knew how to post my gear... But really it quite sucks, only bow i just got decent 5L rare Maraketh, but otherwise im hoping my stats will still skyrocket when i get something decent. For now i focused on geting hp, mana leech and life leech from gear. But you might missunderstand me, Im no way close to steamrolling, just saying that every struggle you might feel or kiting i have to endure i take as the challenging and fun part of this game and reason why i still like to play it, even after 66 lvls of "endless mob clearing".


Pwnography wrote:
Did the new patch effect this build at all because of the duelist changes?
Well from mana flow you now get 4% less max mana, but you get double mana regen and from what i think, for mana ranger, the mana regen is far more better then max mana. I have 3 auras (haste, hatred, grace) and only 84 max mana, but i spam frenzy 4.34 times per second with no problems. And that 12% attack speed - you now has to get on your way to mana flow - buffed my dps from 2.9 to 3.1 (numbers with old bow) and also the 8% to evasion and armor buffed my armor for like 600.
Last edited by DennyBraids#4019 on Mar 9, 2013, 5:15:49 AM
My problems are stemming from maps, i'm doing white maps and i'm tired of dieing to desync'ing charging mobs at 73 thats 40 minutes of grinding. And i couldn't beat a unique boss mod the other day flicker - couldn't kite/viper strike - couldn't tank. another thing is gear phys is so, fucking gear hungry and it has to be life/rez/leech and finding the right rez w/ life/leech is fucking hard. and i'm pretty poor and people just fucking gouge prices really hard. I'm not saying that phys is bad i like phys, but it needs love. And when i saying kiting i meant that if i run out of room i can't finish the map because it's usually as i've zoned into the next level.
Last edited by Lifendeath#3204 on Mar 9, 2013, 4:53:11 AM
Lifendeath wrote:
My problems are stemming from maps, i'm doing white maps and i'm tired of dieing to desync'ing charging mobs at 73 thats 40 minutes of grinding. And i couldn't beat a unique boss mod the other day flicker - couldn't kite/viper strike - couldn't tank. another thing is gear phys is so, fucking gear hungry and it has to be life/rez/leech and finding the right rez w/ life/leech is fucking hard. and i'm pretty poor and people just fucking gouge prices really hard. I'm not saying that phys is bad i like phys, but it needs love. And when i saying kiting i meant that if i run out of room i can't finish the map because it's usually as i've zoned into the next level.

These charging/teleporting mobs are really pain in the a$$. If i die, its bcs of them. My only strategy is to put decoy totem under me and spam RoA over my had and replace totem once it is almost dead. Actually i think decoy totem is so usefull (not only mobs has to attack it, insted of you, they concentrate around it - great for RoA) that Im currently looking for high quality decoy totem for it to last more hits. As for boss, I use the same strategy for most of them -

bear trap under me - curse on boss - frenzy spam - run a bit away from trap
once he steps on trap, i place decoy totem, one trap under me, one under him and spam frenzy
and so on over and over before it dies.
My bear trap does around 4k dmg and has culling strike support gem, so it usually takes 3-4 traps to kill any boss. With hatred aura that adds cold dmg to everything i do and high mobility ranger has, most of the bosses dont even touch me.

Upon leveling up, i had most problems with casting bossed that instakilled me with one spell. But once i got some hp, max resists and around 7% life leech from gear, all you need to do is what i call frenzy dancing. You move from place to place dodging spell while firing out as many shot as you can. You can affort to be hit once or twice and life leech it back then. You can also try placing decoy totem behind the boss, so he cast spells other way.
Last edited by DennyBraids#4019 on Mar 9, 2013, 5:08:13 AM
DennyBraids wrote:
I just wanted to react to all those LA rangers that are lately contributing to this thread.

I personaly love my (Victors) physical ranger, its exciting and fun to play - kiting, using decoy totem with RoA at best spots, luring boss into bear trap that almost oneshots him.

I really, really dont understand how can anyone complain that he has to kite mods nad using orbwalking (how is it called in League of legends) to survive; maybe its because i spend more then a year playing ad carry in LoL and kiting is my daily bread but its what makes game funny and entertaining for me.

Im sorry but standing in the door and spaming LA which has absolutely laggish animation and totally annoying sound - making you unable to even recognice if the target still lives or not, so you spam your LA for another 10s for good mesures? - that is so lame and noobish i dont even know what more to say about it...

There are no doubts some power spikes in LA build, but I take it as there is no doubt its going live like this, before open beta ends, elemental dmg is either going down or physical up. And I dont mind waiting.

The issue with dmg reflect i think is an issue only for elemental builds, because as I explained above, only them spam their skills and kill mobs BRAINLESSLY so they can miss there is some dmg reflect mob. I dont see that happening to me; and as Victor advices, just switch for second bow where you have fire arrow or iceshot - it does ele dmg based on physical - so dps wont be that bad...

As it is for complains that plp feel weak and underpowered. Maybe you fail your build - maybe you skipped all max hp in victors build and went right for the crit, maz be your gear sucks; but Im lvl 65, just finished a3 merciless and i feel everything but weak and underpowered.
I have 8200 armor, maxed resists, almost 1700 hp and 4.2k dps with frenzy with like 20% chance to crit...

Thank you SaintVitus for this build, I follow this build from lvl 1 and I still love it.

Oh but you come from a modern age and I assume that you are still a kid with bad spelling or older with bad reflexes and poor education... LoL is alot less complex game than POE - if you came from Dota scene you would have alot more respect in my eyes... but then seeing your gear and you playing default and dying over and over lowers my objective analysis on your bad worded/spelled post.

We can only get an input on the matter at hand from experienced players like VictorDoom, Nugiyen, Kripp, Plastic_Cup, Finrodi, Feels etc etc... (actually I don't know many non LA players but I do know some most are very popular streamers or guide writers)
Last edited by Trevasotilo#2623 on Mar 9, 2013, 5:36:10 AM
Trevasotilo wrote:

Oh but you come from a modern age and I assume that you are still a kid with bad spelling or older with bad reflexes and poor education... LoL is alot less complex game than POE - if you came from Dota scene you would have alot more respect in my eyes... but then seeing your gear and you playing default and dying over and over lowers my objective analysis on your bad worded/spelled post.

We can only get an input on the matter at hand from experienced players like VictorDoom, Nugiyen, Kripp, Plastic_Cup, Finrodi, Feels etc etc... (actually I don't know many non LA players but I do know some most are very popular streamers or guide writers)

A lot less complex game? You obviously know nothing about the game... Whatever man, I know I am total noob in this game, I play it mostly just to relax after some frustrating, hard and long LoL match... Was just commenting on fact that all the kiting that physical ranger brings up is what makes it "non-boring" game for me. I see no point in playing game where you hold one button, everything dies and you collect drop - and thats the only thing what LA ranger is in my eyes. If I am terribly wrong here, Id be happy if your try to change my opinion.

Lastly I would like if people could stop calling others kids or stupid when they have no idea... and they are in fact pointlessly insulting others.
DennyBraids wrote:

A lot less complex game? You obviously know nothing about the game... Whatever man, I know I am total noob in this game, I play it mostly just to relax after some frustrating, hard and long LoL match... Was just commenting on fact that all the kiting that physical ranger brings up is what makes it "non-boring" game for me. I see no point in playing game where you hold one button, everything dies and you collect drop - and thats the only thing what LA ranger is in my eyes. If I am terribly wrong here, Id be happy if your try to change my opinion.

Lastly I would like if people could stop calling others kids or stupid when they have no idea... and they are in fact pointlessly insulting others.

Dude I have played dota for 7 years, you played 1-2 years of LOL and you are telling me I have no idea what am I talking about.. You don't even last hit creeps in LoL or make builds based on the current situation and plan your gold spending cause everything is dulled and made simple so americans can enjoy a game that is competitive and not FPS COD ... this is getting too much off topic but ok you can come back to relax in POE after your HARD AND LONG 20min LOL matches LOL. I have no intention to change your mind on anything after hearing your backstory... and reading this again
DennyBraids wrote:
"A lot less complex game?"
makes me wonder why I even bothered replying again...
Last edited by Trevasotilo#2623 on Mar 9, 2013, 6:35:57 AM

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