Spectral throw


i will try
I see no change in DPS display when grabbing "8% increased projectile damage" nodes.
Is this a display issue or does this node not work in ST? (If so, why?)
which bandit reward is more suitable..? attack spd vs phy attack.. Can't make up my mind..
it seems like point blank makes it do more dmg at first but when it bounces back it does barely any, it apears to calculate it based on how much it has travelled instead of how far away from you it hits, is this intended? if so thats a shame :(

also does the + weapon range from the duelist starting point do anything? make the thrown weapons bigger or something?
Xafniko wrote:
which bandit reward is more suitable..? attack spd vs phy attack.. Can't make up my mind..

I would take phys. There's a 15% IAS notable.
fitmaster wrote:
I see no change in DPS display when grabbing "8% increased projectile damage" nodes.
Is this a display issue or does this node not work in ST? (If so, why?)

i too want to know
torta21 wrote:
fitmaster wrote:
I see no change in DPS display when grabbing "8% increased projectile damage" nodes.
Is this a display issue or does this node not work in ST? (If so, why?)

i too want to know

Projectile damage works, I've tested it. You must be expecting a huge boost and not noticing the difference.
To summarize (in part) regarding damage modifiers:

Projectile damage nodes:
WILL work

Melee damage nodes:

Physical damage nodes:
WILL work

1 or 2 handed, weapon damage/accuracy:
WILL work

Attack speed nodes:
WILL work

Cast speed nodes:

Weapon elemental damage:
WILL work

How does attack speed affect it?

Does it only affect how fast you throw weapons? Or does it also increase the rate of hits each projectile has?

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